Hi Isomorphic,
please see this minimal testcase (based on builtInDS) showing a unnecessary fetch even though setAutoFetchData(false) is set.
The fetch results in a DS Console warning "13:05:05.810:XRP0:WARN:The ResultSet's cache was invalidated while the following request was outstanding".
Tested with v9.1p_2014-06-29 in FF26 DevMode.
Change to animals.ds.xml:
Interesting observation 1:
In RPC-Tab of the Dev Console, it is for the unnecessary fetch:
while it is
for the queued fetch.
Interesting observation 2:
If you remove "setFields(scientificName);" (so no setFields() for that ListGrid), the bug is gone.
Interesting observation 3:
If you move "vL.draw();" above the RPC-Manager-block, the bug is gone.
Unfortunately I don't have these options in my app.
Best regards,
please see this minimal testcase (based on builtInDS) showing a unnecessary fetch even though setAutoFetchData(false) is set.
The fetch results in a DS Console warning "13:05:05.810:XRP0:WARN:The ResultSet's cache was invalidated while the following request was outstanding".
Tested with v9.1p_2014-06-29 in FF26 DevMode.
package com.smartgwt.sample.client; import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint; import com.smartgwt.client.core.KeyIdentifier; import com.smartgwt.client.data.AdvancedCriteria; import com.smartgwt.client.data.DataSource; import com.smartgwt.client.data.SortSpecifier; import com.smartgwt.client.rpc.RPCManager; import com.smartgwt.client.types.OperatorId; import com.smartgwt.client.types.SortDirection; import com.smartgwt.client.util.PageKeyHandler; import com.smartgwt.client.util.Page; import com.smartgwt.client.util.SC; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGrid; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGridField; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.VLayout; public class BuiltInDS implements EntryPoint { private VLayout vL; private ListGrid boundList; private ListGrid boundList2; public void onModuleLoad() { final DataSource animals = DataSource.get("animals"); KeyIdentifier debugKey = new KeyIdentifier(); debugKey.setCtrlKey(true); debugKey.setKeyName("D"); Page.registerKey(debugKey, new PageKeyHandler() { public void execute(String keyName) { SC.showConsole(); } }); vL = new VLayout(10); boundList = new ListGrid(animals) { { setHeight(400); setWidth(800); setAutoFetchData(false); setInitialSort(new SortSpecifier[] { new SortSpecifier("scientificName", SortDirection.ASCENDING) }); ListGridField commonName = new ListGridField("commonName"); setFields(commonName); } }; boundList2 = new ListGrid(animals) { { setHeight(400); setWidth(800); setAutoFetchData(false); setSort(new SortSpecifier[] { new SortSpecifier("scientificName", SortDirection.DESCENDING) }); // This has a displayField of "commonName" in the ds.xml file! ListGridField scientificName = new ListGridField("scientificName"); setFields(scientificName); } }; vL.setMembers(boundList, boundList2); RPCManager.startQueue(); boundList.fetchData(new AdvancedCriteria("lifeSpan", OperatorId.LESS_THAN, 50)); boundList2.fetchData(new AdvancedCriteria("lifeSpan", OperatorId.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, 50)); RPCManager.sendQueue(); vL.draw(); } }
<field name="scientificName" title="Scientific Name" type="text" primaryKey="true" required="true" displayField="commonName" />
Interesting observation 1:
In RPC-Tab of the Dev Console, it is for the unnecessary fetch:
while it is
for the queued fetch.
Interesting observation 2:
If you remove "setFields(scientificName);" (so no setFields() for that ListGrid), the bug is gone.
Interesting observation 3:
If you move "vL.draw();" above the RPC-Manager-block, the bug is gone.
Unfortunately I don't have these options in my app.
Best regards,