Hi Blama,
I want to persist changes until the next use of the application, although I am not looking to do database persistence but rather save to an XML file as it is what I am using.
I am using the LGPL version 4.1p.
I found the exportData() function for a datasource, including setExportToFilesystem(true) and setExportAs(ExportFormat.XML)) and will try to export using these. They do seem like a server-side functionality though...
Thank you.
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Hi darkane,
do you want to download/export data with the user's browser or do you want to persist changes until the next use of your application?
Do you need a specific file format?
Which version of SmartGWT are you using? LGPL or PRO/POWER/ENTERPRISE (with server component)?
Best regards,
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Client-only DataSources save changes for the lifetime of the page.
They do not write to the filesystem to change the XML file from which data was loaded.
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ListGrid not updating its XML Datasource
I have a ListGrid populated through a client-only DS. Data loads fine, updates made through the ListGrid are displayed, but the values are not updated in the XML data file linked to the DS.
I tried using:
Code:IButton saveButton = new IButton("Save"); saveButton.setTop(250); saveButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { nestedGrid.saveAllEdits(); } }); hLayout.addMember(saveButton);
So here is what I am wondering:
1. Are client-only DSs supposed to be able to save data?
2. What I am doing wrong? The code for my DS is below.
I am in dev-mode, using Jetty in the IntelliJ IDEA editor.
Code:package gov.nist.toolkit.xdstools3.client.customWidgets.endpoints.configure; import com.smartgwt.client.data.DataSource; import com.smartgwt.client.data.fields.DataSourceTextField; /** * SmartGWT datasource. * * Field names must match the XML source and must be unique to this datasource. */ public class TransactionDS extends DataSource { private static TransactionDS instance = null; public static TransactionDS getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new TransactionDS(); } return instance; } private TransactionDS() { setID("transactionDS"); setDataURL("resources/datasources/endpoints/pub-edited-2.data.xml"); setRecordXPath("/site/actor/transaction"); //the XML path of the element we want to display, in the datasource file (.data.xml) setClientOnly(true); //---- actors ---- DataSourceTextField siteName = new DataSourceTextField("siteName", "Site Name"); siteName.setValueXPath("ancestor::site/@siteName"); siteName.setHidden(true); siteName.setForeignKey("endpointConfigDSNew.endpointName"); DataSourceTextField actorCode = new DataSourceTextField("actorCode", "Endpoint Code"); actorCode.setValueXPath("parent::actor/@actorCode"); actorCode.setDisplayField("actorName"); actorCode.setHidden(true); // is already displayed in group mode title DataSourceTextField actorName = new DataSourceTextField("actorName"); actorName.setValueXPath("parent::actor/@actorName"); actorName.setHidden(true); // used only for formatting //---- transactions ----- DataSourceTextField transactionCode = new DataSourceTextField("transactionCode"); transactionCode.setPrimaryKey(true); transactionCode.setCanEdit(false); // primary keys cannot be edited. A workaround is to delete the record and create a new one with the same values. transactionCode.setDisplayField("transactionName"); DataSourceTextField transactionName = new DataSourceTextField("transactionName", "Transaction Type"); transactionName.setCanEdit(false); transactionName.setHidden(true); // used only for formatting DataSourceTextField tls = new DataSourceTextField("secure", "TLS Endpoint"); DataSourceTextField notls = new DataSourceTextField("unsecure", "Non-TLS Endpoint"); setFields(siteName, actorCode, actorName, transactionCode, transactionName, tls, notls); } }
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