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    Support for Microsoft IE 10 and 11

    I'm using SmartGWT powerEdition (full details at bottom.) I've discovered that IE 11 has very strange formatting problems that I believe others have complained and that SmartGWT is aware of. (Specifically, SmartGWT Windows ojbects have large blue boxes that appear below the borders of the Smartgwt Window objects; also, toolstrips appear clipped.) But, I can't tell from past posts what is the *MINIMUM* version of SmartGWT that I need for IE 10 and IE 11 to be supported. (Right now, it appears that IE 10 on Win8 works properly; but IE 11 does not, at least on my version of SmartGWT.)

    Here's the version of SmartGWT that I have. If there's any other info you need, please let me know:
    SmartGWT (not smartclient) Version: SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2012-11-26/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2012-11-26)
    Browser: IE11 on Win7 Enterprise
    GWT SDK: 2.5.0rc2
    Sun JDK 1.6.0_13
    J2EE: Tomcat 6
    Last edited by; 21 Jul 2014, 09:21. Reason: title was wrong

    IE11 was released in late 2013 so a build from 2012 can't be guaranteed to work with it.
    We fully support the most recent versions of IE (and still support 8.0 and above) in both the current stable branch (SmartGWT 4.1p) and the current development branch (SmartGWT 5.0d).
    We also port critical fixes across to older branches, including the one you're using (SmartGWT 3.1 - reported SmartClient version 8.3). This includes fixes for IE10 and 11 rendering issues.

    If upgrading to the latest stable SmartGWT version - 4.1p is an option for you, we'd recommend doing this upgrade -- or waiting for 5.0 final to be released (this is imminent) - so you're not working on an out of date branch.
    If this isn't an option, please try the latest nightly build on the branch you are using, available here.

    If you do continue encountering problems with IE with the latest nightly build, let us know what you're seeing and show us how to reproduce the problems and we'll take a look.

    Isomorphic Software


      Excellent -- so to clarify: would IE 11 rendering fixes be considered "critical fixes" (per your post below) that have been ported to SmartGWT 3.1.x? If so, downloading the latest SmartGWT 3.1.x would work for me and minimize changes to production code and needs for significant regression testing.

