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    SmartGWT Pro UUID Primary Key Issues [with PostgreSQL database]

    Firstly thanks for creating such a nice library - I am really enjoying working with it.

    I have attached the files I had to change from the 'built-in-ds' sample - to demonstrate the problem. I have also included a sql script for PostgreSQL to load a simple database for it.

    Firstly I found (for anyone else that tries this) that the options:
    ignoreTextMatchStyleCaseSensitive="true" (for the datasource)
    ignoreTextMatchStyle="true" (for the field)

    Are required for the datasource so it doesn't run LOWER() on the UUID field when updating (which errors).

    However I cannot find a way to get the datasource to not specify a 'null' value for the UUID primary key when inserting new records:

    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "itemid" violates not-null constraint
      Detail: Failing row contains (null, Test, 222222222, null, AA, null, 2.55, null, 2014-07-22).
    Is there a way to get the datasource to leave the field out or specify for it to use database's 'DEFAULT' value. I was expecting:
    autoGenerated="true" to do this as mentioned in the post below but it seems to have no effect in my case.

    I have also tried - customInsertExpression="DEFAULT" but it does not work in my case because I only have the "Pro" edition.

    Thank-you very much in advance.

    SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2014-07-12/Pro Deployment (built 2014-07-12) changes:
    sql.defaultDatabase: PostgreSQL
    sql.PostgreSQL.driver.serverName: localhost
    sql.PostgreSQL.driver.portNumber: 5432
    sql.PostgreSQL.driver.databaseName: builtinds
    sql.PostgreSQL.driver.user: postgres
    sql.PostgreSQL.driver.password: test
    Attached Files

    Hi mark,

    did you already see DataSourceField.FieldType#SEQUENCE?

    I don't know if it applies to PostgreSQL as well, but I think it should be possible if you create your PK-values with an explicit sequence, like it is done in Oracle 11 and before.

    Best regards,


      Reading I think that it might be better to use the sequence with respect to cacheSync operations.


        Hi Blama,

        Thanks for the reply, though unfortunately PostgreSQL cannot define a UUID generating sequence - so I end up with this error:

        ERROR: relation "supplyitem_itemid_seq" does not exist
          Position: 181
        Even if I could get the database to return a UUID for the sequence I don't think the field would like it, based on the documentation I think it would only want to process an Integer in that FieldType:

        If you are using the Smart GWT SQL datasource connector, a sequence is a unique, increasing whole number, incremented whenever a new record is added. Otherwise, sequence behaves identically to integer. This type is typically used with field.primaryKey to auto-generate unique primary keys. See also sequenceName and sequenceMode
        autoGenerated="true" was defined in my attached "supplyItem.ds.xml" example - however it does not change the servers behaviour for me as expected.

        Kind regards,



          You might be right about the FieldType=Integer requirement. That's one for Isomorphic.

          If it were an Integer, did you try this solution

          Best regards,


            This is an error in the way autoGenerated primaryKey fields are handled. It has now been fixed on 4.1 and 5.0 branches; the fix will be present in tomorrow's nightly builds (those dated July 24)

            Thanks for the bug report!

            Isomorphic Software Support


              Thank-you very much for such a quick fix.

              I look forward to trying it out tomorrow after the nightly build. :)

