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    SelectItem setPickListFields question or feature request

    I am using a SelectItem with a drop down list (setPickListFields(...) ). It works well.

    However I would like to be able to :

    - either display the grid filter header in order to type in filtering strings
    - either type in characters in the SelectItem, to filter down items, like the standard behavior of the SelectItem widget, but in this case with a filtering on the display field.

    Is there any hint to do such a thing ?

    Thank you,

    Hi Elie,

    for your 2nd feature, see SelectItem.setPickListProperties. I'm pretty sure I'm using it currently.

    For your 1st feature, I'd say it should work the same way as above, but I did not try.

    If you filter on columns not displayed (eg, a zip code field, that filters and displays in dropdown zipcode+city would need a normal zip-code column and a hidden column with the both fields concatenated (in DB/ds.xml-customSelectExpression)), make sure that you have them added as hidden ListGridFields, because otherwise the ListGrid can't filter.

    Best regards,

