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    Client side filtering accent insensitive


    Is there a way to get client side filtering of text fields to be 'accent' insensitive?

    For example, I have two rows with the following text values:

    1) "suposición"
    2) "suposicion"

    Note the 'ó' and 'o' difference.

    And I want that either filtering for 'suposición' or 'suposicion' to return both rows.

    I'm able to do that at server side, but once the filtering is only client side, I cannot make it work.

    I don't want to disable client filtering. Is there a setting to achieve this? or a way to override the comparison method used for a specific field?

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi tucky,

    please see this post. Perhaps it helps. Idea is to normalize data either in DB virtual column or .ds.xml-customSelectExpression, show the normal field and filter on the virtual column.

    Best regards,


      Thanks Blama for your quick reply and for the idea.
      It seems like a better workaround than disabling client-side filtering, however, if i want to do that for all the columns of my table, I'll end up duplicating all of them. Unless I'm missing something with the 'customSelectExpression' approach.

      It would be great to be able to override the comparison method. Anyway, thanks Blama for the reply and thanks Isomorphic for this great framework.


        Hi Tucky,

        What did you end up doing?

        I have a similar problem where client side filtering behaves differently (removes rows) from the server side (database) filtering. (


