I have a little bit more information, I thought we were on GWT 2.6.1, but we were on GWT 2.6.0. So I upgraded to GWT 2.6.1 and we're still seeing the same stack trace when the DSResponse goes out. I was looking through the SmartClient DevConsole and found this:
Would this cause an error? Because right after that, comes this one:
They both are using the same Dynamic DataSource ID?
14:32:06.471:TMR4:INFO:RPCManager:rpcResponse(unstructured) results -->"if (window.isc == undefined || window.isc.DataSource == undefined){ alert("Can't load DataSources - SmartClient runtime not loaded");}isc.DataSource.create({ allowAdvancedCriteria:true, ID:"pivot_table_tree_fact_RTF_384_682", fields:[ { hidden:true, primaryKey:true, name:"cid", type:"text", required:true }, { hidden:true, name:"pid", type:"text", required:true, foreignKey:"cid" }, { title:"Dimensions", width:"300", name:"name", type:"text" }, { title:"bCostToComp /BP", desc:"Broker Day Cost To Complete in basis points (%/100).", name:"bCostToCompBP", mid:"932", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bCostToComp /CPS", desc:"Broker Day Cost To Complete in cents per share.", name:"bCostToCompCPS", mid:"933", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bCostToComp /K", desc:"Broker Day Cost To Complete in thousands.", name:"bCostToCompK", mid:"934", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bPlcStrike /BP", desc:"Broker Placement Strike in bais points (%/100).", name:"bPlcStrikeBP", mid:"923", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bPlcStrike /CPS", desc:"Broker Placement in cents per share.", name:"bPlcStrikeCPS", mid:"924", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bPlcStrike /K", desc:"Broker Placement in thousands.", name:"bPlcStrikeK", mid:"925", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bAVWAP /BP", desc:"Broker Available VWAP from trade placement to close in basis points (%/100).", name:"bAVWAPBP", mid:"929", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bAVWAP /CPS", desc:"Broker Available VWAP from trade placement to close in cents per share.", name:"bAVWAPCPS", mid:"930", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bAVWAP /K", desc:"Broker Available VWAP from trade placement to close in thousands.", name:"bAVWAPK", mid:"931", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bIVWAP /BP", desc:"Broker Placement Strike in bais points (%/100).", name:"bIVWAPBP", mid:"926", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bIVWAP /CPS", desc:"Broker Placement in cents per share.", name:"bIVWAPCPS", mid:"927", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bIVWAP /K", desc:"Broker Placement in thousands.", name:"bIVWAPK", mid:"928", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOppCost /K", desc:"Manager Day Opportunity Cost at entry in thousands.", name:"dOppCostK", mid:"874", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOppCost /BP", desc:"Manager Day Opportunity Cost at entry in basis points (%/100).", name:"dOppCostBP", mid:"875", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOppCost /CPS", desc:"Manager Day Opportunity Cost at entry in cents per share.", name:"dOppCostCPS", mid:"876", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dCostToComp /K", desc:"Manager Day Cost To Complete in cents per share.", name:"dCostToCompCPS", mid:"879", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dEntStrike /K", desc:"Manager Day Strike cost at entry in thousands.", name:"dEntStrikeK", mid:"865", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dEntStrike /BP", desc:"Manager Day Strike cost at entry in basis points (%/100).", name:"dEntStrikeBP", mid:"866", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dEntStrike /CPS", desc:"Manager Day Strike cost at entry in cents per share.", name:"dEntStrikeCPS", mid:"867", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dAVWAP /CPS", desc:"AVWAP in cents per share.", name:"dAVWAPCPS", mid:"917", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dAVWAP /K", desc:"AVWAP in thousands.", name:"dAVWAPK", mid:"918", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dAVWAP /BP", desc:"AVWAP in bais points (%/100).", name:"dAVWAPBP", mid:"916", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dIVWAP /K", desc:"Manager Day Interval VWAP from entry to last execution in thousands.", name:"dIVWAPK", mid:"868", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dIVWAP /BP", desc:"Manager Day Interval VWAP from entry to last execution in basis points (%/100).", name:"dIVWAPBP", mid:"869", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dIVWAP /CPS", desc:"Manager Day Interval VWAP from entry to last execution in cents per share.", name:"dIVWAPCPS", mid:"870", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prior Close Prin /K", desc:"Principal executed in thousands based on prior close.", name:"PriorClosePrinK", mid:"941", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dClose /CPS", desc:"Close in cents per share.", name:"dCloseCPS", mid:"920", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dClose /K", desc:"Close in thousands.", name:"dCloseK", mid:"921", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dClose /BP", desc:"Close in bais points (%/100).", name:"dCloseBP", mid:"919", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOpen /BP", desc:"Open in bais points (%/100).", name:"dOpenBP", mid:"910", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOpen /CPS", desc:"Open in cents per share.", name:"dOpenCPS", mid:"911", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOpen /K", desc:"Open in thousands.", name:"dOpenK", mid:"912", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose /BP", desc:"Prior close in basis points (%/100).", name:"PriorCloseBP", mid:"907", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose /CPS", desc:"Prior close in cents per share.", name:"PriorCloseCPS", mid:"908", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose /K", desc:"Prior close in thousands.", name:"PriorCloseK", mid:"909", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose", desc:"Prior close price.", name:"PriorClose", mid:"922", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dVWAP /BP", desc:"VWAP in bais points (%/100).", name:"dVWAPBP", mid:"913", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dVWAP /CPS", desc:"VWAP in cents per share.", name:"dVWAPCPS", mid:"914", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dVWAP /K", desc:"VWAP in thousands.", name:"dVWAPK", mid:"915", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Ave Price", desc:"Ave Price", name:"AvePrice", mid:"906", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dCostToComp /CPS", desc:"Remaining principal in thousands.", name:"PrinLeavesK", mid:"881", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prin Leaves /K", desc:"Principal executed and remaining principal in thousands.", name:"PrinTotalK", mid:"882", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prin Executed", desc:"Principal executed.", name:"PrinExecuted", mid:"883", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prin Executed /K", desc:"Principal executed in thousands.", name:"PrinExecutedK", mid:"871", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Shares Ordered", desc:"Number of Shares Ordered.", name:"SharesOrdered", mid:"872", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Shares Remaining", desc:"Number of Shares Outstanding.", name:"SharesRemaining", mid:"873", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Shares", desc:"Number of Shares Traded.", name:"Shares", mid:"880", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" } ], 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format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bPlcStrike /K", desc:"Broker Placement in thousands.", name:"bPlcStrikeK", mid:"925", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bAVWAP /BP", desc:"Broker Available VWAP from trade placement to close in basis points (%/100).", name:"bAVWAPBP", mid:"929", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bAVWAP /CPS", desc:"Broker Available VWAP from trade placement to close in cents per share.", name:"bAVWAPCPS", mid:"930", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bAVWAP /K", desc:"Broker Available VWAP from trade placement to close in thousands.", name:"bAVWAPK", mid:"931", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bIVWAP /BP", desc:"Broker Placement Strike in bais points (%/100).", name:"bIVWAPBP", mid:"926", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bIVWAP /CPS", desc:"Broker Placement in cents per share.", name:"bIVWAPCPS", mid:"927", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"bIVWAP /K", desc:"Broker Placement in thousands.", name:"bIVWAPK", mid:"928", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOppCost /K", desc:"Manager Day Opportunity Cost at entry in thousands.", name:"dOppCostK", mid:"874", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOppCost /BP", desc:"Manager Day Opportunity Cost at entry in basis points (%/100).", name:"dOppCostBP", mid:"875", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOppCost /CPS", desc:"Manager Day Opportunity Cost at entry in cents per share.", name:"dOppCostCPS", mid:"876", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dCostToComp /K", desc:"Manager Day Cost To Complete in cents per share.", name:"dCostToCompCPS", mid:"879", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dEntStrike /K", desc:"Manager Day Strike cost at entry in thousands.", name:"dEntStrikeK", mid:"865", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dEntStrike /BP", desc:"Manager Day Strike cost at entry in basis points (%/100).", name:"dEntStrikeBP", mid:"866", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dEntStrike /CPS", desc:"Manager Day Strike cost at entry in cents per share.", name:"dEntStrikeCPS", mid:"867", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dAVWAP /CPS", desc:"AVWAP in cents per share.", name:"dAVWAPCPS", mid:"917", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dAVWAP /K", desc:"AVWAP in thousands.", name:"dAVWAPK", mid:"918", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dAVWAP /BP", desc:"AVWAP in bais points (%/100).", name:"dAVWAPBP", mid:"916", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dIVWAP /K", desc:"Manager Day Interval VWAP from entry to last execution in thousands.", name:"dIVWAPK", mid:"868", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dIVWAP /BP", desc:"Manager Day Interval VWAP from entry to last execution in basis points (%/100).", name:"dIVWAPBP", mid:"869", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dIVWAP /CPS", desc:"Manager Day Interval VWAP from entry to last execution in cents per share.", name:"dIVWAPCPS", mid:"870", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prior Close Prin /K", desc:"Principal executed in thousands based on prior close.", name:"PriorClosePrinK", mid:"941", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dClose /CPS", desc:"Close in cents per share.", name:"dCloseCPS", mid:"920", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dClose /K", desc:"Close in thousands.", name:"dCloseK", mid:"921", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dClose /BP", desc:"Close in bais points (%/100).", name:"dCloseBP", mid:"919", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOpen /BP", desc:"Open in bais points (%/100).", name:"dOpenBP", mid:"910", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOpen /CPS", desc:"Open in cents per share.", name:"dOpenCPS", mid:"911", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dOpen /K", desc:"Open in thousands.", name:"dOpenK", mid:"912", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose /BP", desc:"Prior close in basis points (%/100).", name:"PriorCloseBP", mid:"907", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose /CPS", desc:"Prior close in cents per share.", name:"PriorCloseCPS", mid:"908", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose /K", desc:"Prior close in thousands.", name:"PriorCloseK", mid:"909", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"PriorClose", desc:"Prior close price.", name:"PriorClose", mid:"922", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dVWAP /BP", desc:"VWAP in bais points (%/100).", name:"dVWAPBP", mid:"913", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dVWAP /CPS", desc:"VWAP in cents per share.", name:"dVWAPCPS", mid:"914", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dVWAP /K", desc:"VWAP in thousands.", name:"dVWAPK", mid:"915", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Ave Price", desc:"Ave Price", name:"AvePrice", mid:"906", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"dCostToComp /CPS", desc:"Remaining principal in thousands.", name:"PrinLeavesK", mid:"881", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prin Leaves /K", desc:"Principal executed and remaining principal in thousands.", name:"PrinTotalK", mid:"882", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prin Executed", desc:"Principal executed.", name:"PrinExecuted", mid:"883", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Prin Executed /K", desc:"Principal executed in thousands.", name:"PrinExecutedK", mid:"871", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Shares Ordered", desc:"Number of Shares Ordered.", name:"SharesOrdered", mid:"872", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Shares Remaining", desc:"Number of Shares Outstanding.", name:"SharesRemaining", mid:"873", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" }, { title:"Shares", desc:"Number of Shares Traded.", name:"Shares", mid:"880", format:"#,##0.00", type:"float" } ], serverType:"generic" })