Originally posted by Blama
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For completeness:
You are sending a relatedUpdate with an "update" operationType performed on a record that has never been loaded by this user. This happens to require adding the record to the dataset because this is a partially loaded data set and the record in question has never been loaded by this particular user.
This is not the same as an "add" of an entirely new record, which would be indicated by operationType:"add".
It could be argued that not every "add" performed by as a relatedUpdate should result in popping to the top of a databound grid - perhaps it actually should not if it's a relatedUpdate as opposed to an action that was actually initiated by the current user.
But it seems clear that with operationType "update" in a related update, it does not make sense to pop the record to the top of all databound grids as a default behavior.
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Originally posted by Isomorphic View PostBut the default behavior of bringing the record to the attention of the user seems more often correct than not.
If the framework was bringing the added record to the attention of the user, this thread wouldn't be necessary, since this is the behavior I'm trying to achieve :)
Since the record is not being added to the listGrid, the framework is NOT bringing the record to the attention of the user. Or did I misunderstand your statement?
Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
We've provided an approach to get the particular behavior you want.
Yes, I will take a look at this approach.Last edited by edulid; 1 Oct 2014, 01:37.
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Originally posted by edulid View PostCase A: A *related update* , which did not involve any end user input, suddenly is being DELETED from the listgrid.
Case B: A *related update* , which did not involve any end user input, suddenly is being ADDED from the listgrid.
So why is case A happening, while case B is NOT happening?
Note that in general, the word "inconsistency" is inapplicable here as we are talking about very different situations.
We've provided an approach to get the particular behavior you want; if you'd prefer something like framework flags that would make it possible to just configure the framework to provide that behavior by default, that's a possible Feature Sponsorship, but at this point we don't see anything that could be called a bug here; instead what we have are default behaviors that are reasonable and some different behaviors you appear to want for your app.
The event .. onDataArrived ..
Note for completeness that the suggestion to use DataChanged was actually from another thread.
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Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
1. have you checked whether the newly added row is now in the cache, but not visible in the grid viewport? You can just search the dataset via ResultSet.find()
Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post2. the behavior you're hoping for is actually not specified (the docs don't cover what's supposed to happen when an "update" results in a newly added row), and it's not clear, from a design perspective, whether it's actually desirable for a *related update* which did not involve any end user input, to suddenly pop into view.
Case A: A *related update* , which did not involve any end user input, suddenly is being DELETED from the listgrid.
Case B: A *related update* , which did not involve any end user input, suddenly is being ADDED to the listgrid.
So why is case A happening, while case B is NOT happening? I see an inconsistency here.
Another inconsistency:
When the relatedUpdate is an add-operation, I immediately see the newly added record in the listGrid: I see the new record at the beginning of the listGrid. So, again, we have an inconsistency here:
For the listGrid, although really an update, the action is an add:
11:36:49.678:XRP4:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):updated cache: 1 row(s) added, 0 row(s) updated, 0 row(s) removed.
So, different than a "real add operation", this listGrid's add operation is NOT being shown immediately in the listGrid, while a *real* add operation is. So, again, this is an inconsistency.
Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
If you prefer to do this somewhere more ListGrid-specific, there's also the DataChanged event on ResultSet, which would actually fire for every data update that actually affects that specific ListGrid. Note this would fire for adds and deletions too, but you could keep track of the ResultSet.getLength() to be able to tell the difference.
Code:public class MyWindow3 extends Window { private final ListGrid lg; private final IButton switchButton; private Integer actualStatus = 1; TextItem idItem; public MyWindow3() { setWidth(600); setHeight(500); setAutoCenter(true); setIsModal(true); setShowModalMask(true); setShowMaximizeButton(true); VLayout vlayout = new VLayout(12); vlayout.setPadding(25); lg = new ListGrid(); lg.setDataSource(DataSource.get("testDatasource")); lg.setWidth100(); lg.setHeight100(); lg.setSortField("f_id"); lg.setAutoFetchData(false); HLayout buttonsLayout = new HLayout(15); buttonsLayout.setHeight(25); buttonsLayout.setAlign(Alignment.LEFT); DynamicForm df = new DynamicForm(); idItem = new TextItem("id"); idItem.setWidth(40); df.setColWidths(40,40); df.setFields(idItem); buttonsLayout.addMember(df); switchButton = new IButton("Switch status"); switchButton.setWidth(200); switchButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { onSwitchButtonClick(); } }); IButton resultSetButton = new IButton("Get resultset length"); resultSetButton.setWidth(200); resultSetButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { SC.say("getResultSet().getLength() = " + lg.getResultSet().getLength()); } }); buttonsLayout.addMember(switchButton); buttonsLayout.addMember(resultSetButton); IButton findButton = new IButton("Find 511"); findButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Record rec = lg.getResultSet().find("f_id", 511); if (rec == null) { SC.say("Not found"); } else { SC.say("Found: " + rec.getAttribute("f_id")); } } }); vlayout.addMember(lg); vlayout.addMember(findButton); Criteria c = new Criteria(); c.addCriteria("f_vertrag_status", 1); lg.fetchData(c, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse dsResponse, Object data, DSRequest dsRequest) { lg.getResultSet().addDataArrivedHandler(new DataArrivedHandler() { @Override public void onDataArrived(DataArrivedEvent event) { SC.say("Data arrived"); } }); } }); vlayout.addMember(buttonsLayout); addItem(vlayout); } private void onSwitchButtonClick() { Record updateRec = new Record(); updateRec.setAttribute("f_id", Integer.parseInt(idItem.getValueAsString())); Integer newStatus = null; if (actualStatus.intValue() == 1) { newStatus = 3; } else { newStatus = 1; } updateRec.setAttribute("f_vertrag_status", newStatus); actualStatus = newStatus; DataSource.get("vertraege").updateData(updateRec, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse dsResponse, Object data, DSRequest dsRequest) { //SC.say("OK"); } }); } }
Code:public void onDataArrived(DataArrivedEvent event) { SC.say("Data arrived"); }
1) Assume f_id=511, f_vertrag_status=1 is shown in the listGrid.
2) Write 511 in the textField and push "switch".
3) The row f_id=511 disappears, which is correct, because its new values do not match the actual listGrid's criteria (the new f_vertrag_status = 3).
--> No data arrives, because it is already here!! So the event is not firing.
4) Push "switch" again.
5) The row f_id=511 is NOT appearing. The event is NOT firing. Why not ?Last edited by edulid; 1 Oct 2014, 01:12.
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Ah, we see, it looks like you tried to modify the test case so there was actually a DB-level relation. That would not have affected behavior, so yes, we'll use the first test case as a starting point.
However, we just realized you never answered this:
Also, can you clarify how you're determining that the new record is "not in the grid". It looks like you have partially loaded data; are you aware of where you should expect to see newly added rows in this case?
If updatePartialCache is enabled and an "add" or "update" operation succeeds with a partial cache:
o updated rows will remain in their current position. No attempt will be made to sort them into a new position even if the sort field was updated.
o newly added rows will be added at either the end (first preference) or beginning of the dataset if that part of the dataset is cached and was most recently requested. If not, the new row is added at the end of the most recently requested contiguously cached range.
The cache will then be dropped the next time rows are fetched, to prevent problems with inconsistent row numbering between the server and client, which could otherwise lead to duplicate rows or rows being skipped entirely.
1. have you checked whether the newly added row is now in the cache, but not visible in the grid viewport? You can just search the dataset via ResultSet.find()
2. the behavior you're hoping for is actually not specified (the docs don't cover what's supposed to happen when an "update" results in a newly added row), and it's not clear, from a design perspective, whether it's actually desirable for a *related update* which did not involve any end user input, to suddenly pop into view. The behaviors we specify for updatePartialCache are designed to help users maintain context when they have actually just changed or added a record. When the server tells us about a "relatedUpdate" it's not clear that this is immediately relevant to the user and should be prominently placed into view.
1. we're going to check on behavior with the test case anyway, since we see at least one log statement that doesn't make sense, but please answer #1 regardless
2. we're leaning toward the conclusion that what you expect to happen should not actually be the default behavior of the framework. Instead, what you might want to do in this use case is to grab the data in the existing ResultSet and create a new ResultSet from it, placing the new row in whatever visual position you prefer.
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Originally posted by edulid View Post
The StatusDMIHandler.java
Code:public class StatusDMIHandler { public DSResponse doUpdate(DSRequest dsRequest, HttpServletRequest servletRequest) throws Exception { DSResponse response = dsRequest.execute(); RPCManager rpcManager = dsRequest.getRPCManager(); Integer vertragId = null; Object vertragIdObject = dsRequest.getCriteria().get("f_id"); if (vertragIdObject instanceof Long) { vertragId = Integer.valueOf(((Long) vertragIdObject).intValue()); } else { vertragId = (Integer) vertragIdObject; } DSRequest schuelerRequest = new DSRequest( "testDatasource", DataSource.OP_FETCH, rpcManager); Map<String, Object> criteria = new HashMap<String, Object>(); criteria.put("f_id", vertragId); schuelerRequest.setCriteria(criteria); DSResponse schuelerResponse = schuelerRequest.execute(); schuelerResponse.setOperationType(DataSource.OP_UPDATE); response = response.addRelatedUpdate(schuelerResponse); return response; } }
If you take a look at my FIRST code (the one here: http://forums.smartclient.com/showpo...18&postcount=2 ) , it's simpler than the second code, and it still uses two datasources: "testdatasource" and "vertraege".. these are almost equal, but still are two different datasources.
There are no "DB-specific SQL" there, again, at my FIRST code, and the ONLY table is:
Code:<fields> <field name="f_id" type="sequence" primaryKey="true" /> <field name="f_vertrag_status" type="integer" /> </fields>
Code:CREATE TABLE t_vertrag( f_id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, f_vertrag_status int NULL);
The records in the table are also nothing special, just add random values, but please more than 75 values. f_vertrag_status should have either value=1 or 3, because the test code switches between these two values.
So, I would suggest that you use the FIRST test case, as it is simpler and it shows the same behavior. Again, the code is here: http://forums.smartclient.com/showpo...18&postcount=2
Thank you.Last edited by edulid; 30 Sep 2014, 15:40.
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There's no way this could be related to SQL Server since you've already shared the response data and it's correct. The client-side system just sees the DSResponse and doesn't even have a way to find out what database is in use on the server side (Blama actually pointed this out too).
You're correct, the new code you posted does use two different DataSources, sorry, we didn't immediately see the specific way that the new code was intended to be combined with the old.
Note that the code you've shared falls short of the requirements for a test case - it relies on SQL schema we don't have, it has what looks like probably DB-specific SQL, and to replicate the situation exactly we'd need thousands of rows of sample data. Nevertheless since you've made so many attempts at this, we'll correct all these problems with the test code and see if we can replicate the problem.
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Originally posted by Isomorphic View Post
As a very quick check, just remove the server code that tries to add related updates at all.
, the listGrid doesn't get updated, of course, because it cannot possibly know that a change to the datasource "vertraege" was made. The update was made to the "vertraege" datasource, and the listGrid displays the "testDatasource" datasource.
!!! Please note that we are using two different datasources here:
1) testDatasource: used by the listGrid. It provides a "view" on the data.
2) vertraege: it may be updated, as in the test case.
Have you been able to execute my test case? What behavior are you seeing ?Last edited by edulid; 30 Sep 2014, 14:15.
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this listGrid is very important to me, since all my application is based on this listgrid and that it shows actual, up-to-date information, that's why I'm spending this time trying to understand what's happening here.
Thank you for your help.
Are you sure that the relatedUpdated "provides further modifications of the same record", as you claim?
My relatedUpdate is a simple fetch, which only SIMULATES an update, in order to update the listgrid's showing "testDatasource" data. Please take a look at my comments:
Code:// First I will FETCH the "testDatasource", in order to get the rest of the fields that I don't know at this moment. DSRequest schuelerRequest = new DSRequest( "testDatasource", DataSource.OP_FETCH, rpcManager); Map<String, Object> criteria = new HashMap<String, Object>(); criteria.put("f_id", vertragId); schuelerRequest.setCriteria(criteria); // I will execute the FETCH now: DSResponse schuelerResponse = schuelerRequest.execute(); // now I simulate an update ON THE RESPONSE. So I set the operationType=update. But no update is executed now! schuelerResponse.setOperationType(DataSource.OP_UPDATE); // we want to inform the client response = response.addRelatedUpdate(schuelerResponse);
then you seem to be reporting that cache updates in general don't work, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
Originally posted by Isomorphic View PostThere is no plausible mechanism by which framework code could be storing this value permanently at the JVM level (we do not put anything in the HttpSession at all) so you should investigate any custom logic you have added server-side - this is not a framework issue.
Originally posted by Isomorphic View PostWe weren't able to reproduce the issue with your test case, and again you seem to be claiming some kind of server-side persistence, which doesn't make sense.
After investigating deeper, you found out that this was indeed a bug related specifically to MSSQL Server.Last edited by edulid; 30 Sep 2014, 14:11.
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Sorry you're spending so much time on test cases, but this modified test case has exactly the same problem as before: you have a response to an "update" showing the new record as expected, then you add a relatedUpdate that *provides further modifications to the same record*.
This isn't what relatedUpdates are for. Related updates are for telling the client about updates to *other, related records* (hence the word "related").
As a very quick check, just remove the server code that tries to add related updates at all. If that doesn't fix the behavior, then you seem to be reporting that cache updates in general don't work, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
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New test case:
(All other files are equal).
Code:public class MyWindow3 extends Window { private final ListGrid lg; private final IButton button; private Integer actualStatus = 1; TextItem idItem; public MyWindow3() { setWidth(700); setHeight(500); setAutoCenter(true); setIsModal(true); setShowModalMask(true); setShowMaximizeButton(true); VLayout vlayout = new VLayout(12); vlayout.setPadding(25); lg = new ListGrid(); lg.setDataSource(DataSource.get("testDatasource")); lg.setWidth100(); lg.setHeight100(); lg.setSortField("f_id"); lg.setAutoFetchData(false); HLayout buttonsLayout = new HLayout(15); buttonsLayout.setHeight(25); buttonsLayout.setAlign(Alignment.LEFT); DynamicForm df = new DynamicForm(); idItem = new TextItem("id"); df.setFields(idItem); buttonsLayout.addMember(df); button = new IButton("Switch status"); button.setWidth(200); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { onButtonClick(); } }); buttonsLayout.addMember(button); vlayout.addMember(lg); Criteria c = new Criteria(); c.addCriteria("f_vertrag_status", 1); lg.fetchData(c); vlayout.addMember(buttonsLayout); addItem(vlayout); } private void onButtonClick() { Record updateRec = new Record(); updateRec.setAttribute("f_id", Integer.parseInt(idItem.getValueAsString())); Integer newStatus = null; if (actualStatus.intValue() == 1) { newStatus = 3; } else { newStatus = 1; } updateRec.setAttribute("f_vertrag_status", newStatus); actualStatus = newStatus; DataSource.get("vertraege").updateData(updateRec, new DSCallback() { @Override public void execute(DSResponse dsResponse, Object data, DSRequest dsRequest) { //SC.say("OK"); } }); } }
Code:<DataSource ID="testDatasource" serverType="sql" tableName="t_vertrag"> <fields> <field name="f_id" type="sequence" primaryKey="true" /> <field name="f_vertrag_status" type="integer" /> <field name="f_name" type="text" customSelectExpression="left(s.f_name,1) + '_' + left(s.f_vorname,1) " /> </fields> <operationBindings> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" > <tableClause> t_vertrag left join t_schueler as s on s.f_schueler_id = t_vertrag.f_schueler_id </tableClause> </operationBinding> </operationBindings> </DataSource>
This datasource is different than the "vertraege" datasource, which is used only for updating the values.
Open window:
1) Fetch initial values
Code:09:14:54.860:INFO:Log:initialized 09:14:55.665:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded 09:15:05.283:MUP1:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ListGrid_0:Creating new isc.ResultSet for operation 'testDatasource_fetch' with filterValues: { "f_vertrag_status":1 } 09:15:05.287:MUP1:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):setCriteria: filter criteria changed, invalidating cache 09:15:05.288:MUP1:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):Invalidating cache 09:15:05.293:MUP1:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):getRange(0,1), cache check: 0,37 firstMissingRow: 0 lastMissingRow: 37 09:15:05.293:MUP1:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):getRange: guessing forward scrolling 09:15:05.293:MUP1:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):getRange(0, 1) will fetch from 0 to 75 09:15:05.293:MUP1:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):fetching rows 0,75 from server 09:15:05.570:MUP1:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):getRange(0, 22) satisfied from cache 09:15:05.765:XRP3:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):Received 75 records from server 09:15:05.766:XRP3:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):full length set to: 1615 09:15:05.766:XRP3:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):integrating 75 rows into cache at position 0 09:15:05.768:XRP3:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):cached 75 rows, from 0 to 75 (1615 total rows, 75 cached) 09:15:05.778:TMR4:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):getRange(0, 22) satisfied from cache
Code:{ dataSource:"testDatasource", operationType:"fetch", componentId:"isc_ListGrid_0", data:{ f_vertrag_status:1 }, startRow:0, endRow:75, sortBy:[ "f_id" ], textMatchStyle:"exact", resultSet:[ResultSet ID:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0)], callback:{ caller:[ResultSet ID:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0)], methodName:"fetchRemoteDataReply" }, willHandleError:true, showPrompt:true, prompt:"Suche Datensätze die den Kriterien entsprechen...", oldValues:{ f_vertrag_status:1 }, requestId:"testDatasource$6270", internalClientContext:{ requestIndex:1 }, fallbackToEval:false, lastClientEventThreadCode:"MUP1", bypassCache:true }
Code:DSResponse: [ { affectedRows:0, data:[ { f_name:"R_L", rowID:1, f_id:57, f_vertrag_status:1 }, { f_name:"P_A", rowID:2, f_id:112, f_vertrag_status:1 }, { f_name:"J_J", rowID:3, f_id:159, f_vertrag_status:1 }, .....
2) Write 811 on "id"
3) Push "switch"
Code:09:19:03.571:XRP5:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):dataSource data changed firing 09:19:03.571:XRP5:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):updating cache in place after operationType: update, cached rows: 75, total rows: 1615 09:19:03.571:XRP5:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):Updating cache: operationType 'update' (no componentID) ,1 rows update data: [ {f_name: "K_N", f_id: 804, f_vertrag_status: 3} ] 09:19:03.574:XRP5:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):row dropped: {f_name: "K_N", f_id: 804, f_vertrag_status: 3} didn't match filter: { "f_vertrag_status":1 } 09:19:03.574:XRP5:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):updated cache: 0 row(s) added, 0 row(s) updated, 1 row(s) removed. 09:19:03.603:TMR6:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):getRange(0, 22) satisfied from cache
Code:{ dataSource:"vertraege", operationType:"update", data:{ f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:3 }, textMatchStyle:"exact", showPrompt:true, oldValues:{ f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:3 }, requestId:"vertraege$6271", fallbackToEval:false, lastClientEventThreadCode:"MUP2", bypassCache:true }
Code:[ { affectedRows:1, data:[ { f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:3 } ], invalidateCache:false, isDSResponse:true, operationType:"update", queueStatus:0, relatedUpdates:[ { endRow:1, affectedRows:0, dataSource:"testDatasource", totalRows:1, isDSResponse:true, invalidateCache:false, status:0, operationType:"update", startRow:0, data:[ { f_name:"K_N", f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:3 } ] } ], status:0 } ]
As you see in the logs and in the screenshot, the record with Id= 804 dissapears from the grid, which is the correct behavior.
4) push "switch" again
Code:09:22:04.112:XRP5:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):dataSource data changed firing 09:22:04.113:XRP5:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):updating cache in place after operationType: update, cached rows: 74, total rows: 1614 09:22:04.113:XRP5:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):Updating cache: operationType 'update' (no componentID) ,1 rows update data: [ {f_name: "K_N", f_id: 804, f_vertrag_status: 1} ] 09:22:04.117:XRP5:WARN:Log:findByKeys: passed record does not have a value for key field 'f_id' 09:22:04.117:XRP5:INFO:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):updated row returned by server doesn't match any cached row, adding as new row. Primary key values: {f_id: 804}, complete row: {f_name: "K_N", f_id: 804, f_vertrag_status: 1} 09:22:04.117:XRP5:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):updated cache: 1 row(s) added, 0 row(s) updated, 0 row(s) removed. 09:22:04.138:TMR6:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):getRange(0, 22) satisfied from cache
Code:{ dataSource:"vertraege", operationType:"update", data:{ f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:1 }, textMatchStyle:"exact", showPrompt:true, oldValues:{ f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:1 }, requestId:"vertraege$6272", fallbackToEval:false, lastClientEventThreadCode:"MUP2", bypassCache:true }
Code:[ { affectedRows:1, data:[ { f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:1 } ], invalidateCache:false, isDSResponse:true, operationType:"update", queueStatus:0, relatedUpdates:[ { endRow:1, affectedRows:0, dataSource:"testDatasource", totalRows:1, isDSResponse:true, invalidateCache:false, status:0, operationType:"update", startRow:0, data:[ { f_name:"K_N", f_id:804, f_vertrag_status:1 } ] } ], status:0 } ]
As you see in the logs, the record should be added to the grid. But as you see in 3.png, the listgrid did not change since 2.png, ... the supposely added record is nowhere.
If I have an "add" operation, and the relatedUpdate() method also simulates an "add" operation, the record is inserted correctly to the beginning of the listGrid, so this is different from this thread's testcase behavior, where the record is not added to the list at all (3.png).
The two data sources are now different and they return different data, and the behavior is the same.Last edited by edulid; 29 Sep 2014, 23:43.
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Originally posted by edulid View PostIn the testcase I have two datasources which are basically equal, yes. In my original application this is different: I have two very different datasources, but the problem is the same: that the listgrid's datasource doesn't update correctly when updating the other datasource. So, in my application, the data returned as the normal update data and the related update are very different.
In my testcase they are the same only in order to keep it simple .. but the issue is the same.
Also, can you clarify how you're determining that the new record is "not in the grid". It looks like you have partially loaded data; are you aware of where you should expect to see newly added rows in this case?
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I changed the "update" to an "add" dsRequest, and removed the criteria, and the same:
I see in the logs:
11:36:49.678:XRP4:DEBUG:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_0 (created by: isc_ListGrid_0):updated cache: 1 row(s) added, 0 row(s) updated, 0 row(s) removed.
But I don't see any new row in the listGrid.
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Hi edulid,
I'd expect this to work, too.
If there is really a bug, it should be on the client, because the DSRequests/DSResponse pairs seem to look good.
What happens if you do not use the criteria?
Does the changed record show up then?
Best regards,
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