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    Gauge scale


    I'm trying to add a Gauge widget in a layout. I did like described in the Gauge sample of your showcase. It seems to work at first sight (gauge displayed, sectors created, value set).
    My problem is that, even if I give a width and an height to the gauge, it's always drawn using the same (big) scale... so if I want to draw a gauge which is smaller than the one visible on the showcase, I can't: the same size if used but the gauge is cropped...

    How can I draw a smaller gauge then?

    Many thanks for your help,


    PS: We are using SGWT 4.1p
    Last edited by tgilbert; 30 Sep 2014, 09:02.

    Probably you have left "dialRadius" at it's default setting of 150. You can set it lower to avoid clipping, although you will need to do it before the Gauge is created, and you would need to re-create the Gauge to change it.

    It makes sense for this to be automatically more dynamic, so we'll look at possibly enhancing this for 5.1 or 6.0.


      Thanks, it's now better.
      What about the extra space below the gauge ? Is it possible to make it drawn along the bottom side of the canvas?


        At the moment, no. That's another area where we'll most likely increase flexibility next release.

        Note also that if you end up needing a bunch more visual customization, it's pretty straightforward to build your own Gauge using DrawPane + DrawSector.

