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    Windows mobile support for SmartGWT Mobile?


    We try to implement a example mobile web application using SmartGWT Mobile and tested it on several mobile devices. We haven't been able to make it work on Windows Mobile (white page is shown). We tested on Nokia Lumia devices as well as Chrome device emulator. On Android and IOS it works fine.

    Also the showcase does not seem to work on Windows Mobile.

    Should SmartGWT Mobile be supported on Windows Mobile?


    Hints for your question

    1. Only the following functions are implemented in SmartGwt-mobile (when you will find more we can talk about the showcase on other devices)
        String show_mobile(){
            String res = "mobile=";
            if( Canvas.isAndroid())
                res += " Android";    
            if( isSafari = Canvas.isSafari())
                res += " Safari";
            if( isIPhone = Canvas.isIPhone())
                res += " iPhone";
            if( isIPad = Canvas.isIPad())
                res += " iPad";
            if( Canvas._isIOS4OrOlder())
                res += " IOS4 or older";
            if( Canvas._isIOS5())
                res += " IOS5";
            if( Canvas._isIOSMin6_0())
                res += " IOS6 or newer";
            if( Canvas.isStandAlone())
                res += " StandAlone";
            if( Canvas.isUIWebView())
                res += " UIWebView";
            return res;
    2. Starting from hint 1 I looked at the market share and it is only 2.5 % for Windows Mobile

    3. After a week of research and hacking I checked my app and the showcase on my mobile phone Microsoft Lumia 8.1 and I installed a 40 Gb software called Visual Studio :-( (I choose only some of the options for 40 Gb :-( ), to debug and run smartgwt-mobile in emulators (my smartgwt-mobile GAE in browser started on emulator even if it is not working on device (nor app nor in IE with GAE) :-) , I could not install the app because it is not permitted to install in emulator !!!!! (no joke) - code - mystic error code 80070002 -
    It is a very long story that I will write in the next future
    Summary is that Microsoft needs to buy a framework company to go on. Their super unification dream is not in the near future - I expect big acquisitions for that (one was Ubuntu - who could believe that a couple of years ago, except as a good joke - I am writing from Ubuntu now :-( )

    Focus on Android and iPhone !

    I'll be back

