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    Does TreeGrid support deferred loading within a node level?

    I've used the ListGrid object with deferred/lazy loading to support large numbers of rows.

    Now I'm working with the TreeGrid and I can see it supports deferred/lazy loading for nodes with children (e.g. the children nodes are not fetched from the server until the parent node is clicked/opened).

    But is it possible to have a combination of those techniques? For instance, when a parent is opened, only load the first N children and then if the user scrolls down load the set of children that are scrolled into view.


    Hi Tom,

    Generally if sets of children are large enough that paging makes sense, from a usability perspective you want to switch to a different interface (like showing an adjacent grid with the children, as in typical email interfaces).

    Two other options:
    1) use a ListGrid, put together the tree model on the server and send back extra fields that allow client-side formatters to add indentation, icons, etc

    2) sponsor the feature - because this comes up every now and then, Isomorphic does have a spec prepared for implementing per-childset paging but no one has ever prioritized it, switching to other approaches for usability reasons instead.



      Using smartgwt pro 3.0
      Is this feature now available?


