I want to show a hover, similar to the hover of the left treeGrid in the showcase (the white hover!), for each formField, showing a description of the field when the user places the mouse pointer inside the field (or in a "?" icon right/left of the field?? this would be even better).
I cannot use .setHint() (like in http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/...ntrols_various) because the descriptions are very long and this doesn't look good in my forms.
I saw that DynamicForm has setCanHover() and setShowHover(), but no setHoverCustomizer(). And, if I call setCanHover(true) and setShowHover(true), I cannot see anything when I point the field.. so something is not working.
Is this supported, or how to do this?
Using smartgwt 5.0p eval 27.01.
I cannot use .setHint() (like in http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/...ntrols_various) because the descriptions are very long and this doesn't look good in my forms.
I saw that DynamicForm has setCanHover() and setShowHover(), but no setHoverCustomizer(). And, if I call setCanHover(true) and setShowHover(true), I cannot see anything when I point the field.. so something is not working.
Is this supported, or how to do this?
Using smartgwt 5.0p eval 27.01.