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    HeaderItem picker icons

    Is there a way to have a HeaderItem with a picker icon, leave the header set to span all columns, be centered, and have the picker appear immediately after the text? I believe I have tried every setting possible for the HeaderItem and PickerIcon and have been unable to get this to work. I am using SmartClient Version: v9.1p_2015-01-30/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2015-01-30).

    APIs related to the pickerIcon wouldn't be expected to do anything for a HeadearItem, since the concept of a pickerIcon doesn't apply to headerItem - the "pickerIcon" is for SelectItem, ComboBoxItem, DateItem and other controls that have a built-in picker of some kind.

    If you want to build an icon that launches your own picker, just use FormItem.icons.


      My apologies for confusing terms, but I am using FormItemIcon. The desired behavior is to have a header that spans 2 columns, the text is centered, and the icon appears immediately following the text. However, I cannot seem to get this functionality to work. The Icon ends up way off to the right of the header.


        We are looking at why this isn't giving the appearance you're after. We'll follow up shortly.

        Isomorphic Software


          You should be able to get the appearance you're after by setting the width of the HeaderItem to a small value.
          We'll look at whether there's a better solution for this issue in the framework and follow up if we decide this warrants a change, but this should give you the appearance you need.

          Isomorphic Software

