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    Exporting Value map data to exported excel file

    Hi All,

    Business client requires the data to be exported to excel to download. I was able to export the data to excel file using ListGrid.exportData option like this
    dummyGrid.exportData(dsRequestProperties) to export all the the data in the dummygrid to excel. The export is happening successfully but the issue lies with the valuemap field.

    I have defined value map for field like below. Still the database value is exported to the file i.e. A,I,T instead of Active,Inactive and test.

    <field name="status" type="enum" title="Status" required="true"
    <value ID="A">Active</value>
    <value ID="I">Inactive</value>
    <value ID="T">Test</value>
    <value ID="IT">Inactive - Test</value>
    <value ID="AT">Active - Test</value>

    Does the valueMap is only for display ? it wont affect the value in exported excel file?
    To include the value map data what can be done in ds.xml? Any help will be appreciated.

    Thanks and Regards,