I have a big problem with DMI-Methods and I hope you can help me with this. I have this problem since a long time ago, but only now I am able to reproduce it better.
I am having (sometimes) blocked resources in my MSSQL Database when executing statements inside a DMI Method.
This is NOT ALWAYS happening, so sometimes I have to execute the same method multiple times until the DB blocks.
Basically, I am doing the following steps in my DMI Method:
1) delete all records from the current user from a table
2) insert some records to the table
3) read those records, and do something with them
This is my (simplified) DMIMethod:
So you see, I am first deleting all records for the current user, then I insert some records, and then I call "doUpdateAddresses". ALL ON THE SAME TABLE: "tmpAddressAenderungen"
This is the table getting blocked!!!!
In my "doUpdateAddresses", for testing, I only read all records one by one:
So I am basically only reading these records one by one, using a cursor. In my testing application I am not doing anything else with those records.
As I said, the table is getting blocked. Here is the blocking report:
So the blocked process is the process creating my cursor, and the blocking process is a select statement. But this blocking select statement is automatically created by smartGWT (after executing the INSERT statement!!!).
Of course, I could disable this fetch using canSyncCache=false, but since I have observed this blocking in several situations, I would like to correct this problem.
WHen digging into the blocked process, I see that the blocked statement is:
and, as I said, the blocking process is the fetch automatically created by SmartGWT after the insert.
So is there a bug here? I have observed this problem since more than a year, but I never was able to reproduce it, until now.
Using smartGWT 5.0p power 2015-02-27 with MSSQL Server 2014.
I am having (sometimes) blocked resources in my MSSQL Database when executing statements inside a DMI Method.
This is NOT ALWAYS happening, so sometimes I have to execute the same method multiple times until the DB blocks.
Basically, I am doing the following steps in my DMI Method:
1) delete all records from the current user from a table
2) insert some records to the table
3) read those records, and do something with them
This is my (simplified) DMIMethod:
RPCManager rpcManager = dsRequest.getRPCManager(); Map<String, Object> values = dsRequest.getValues(); List<Map<String, Object>> toUpdate = (List) values.get("toUpdate"); Long userId = dsRequest .getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getAttribute("userId"); DSRequest deleteReq = new DSRequest( "tmpAddressAenderungen", DataSource.OP_REMOVE, rpcManager); deleteReq.setAllowMultiUpdate(true); deleteReq.setCriteria("f_user_id", userId); deleteReq.execute(); for (Map<String, Object> m : toUpdate) { DSRequest insertReq = new DSRequest( "tmpAddressAenderungen", DataSource.OP_ADD, rpcManager); Map<String, Object> valuesToInsert = new HashMap<>(); valuesToInsert.put("f_type", Type.UPDATE.name()); valuesToInsert.put("f_field_f_id", m.get("f_id")); valuesToInsert.put("f_field_f_strasse", m.get("f_strasse")); valuesToInsert.put("f_field_f_plz", m.get("f_plz")); valuesToInsert.put("f_field_f_ort", m.get("f_ort")); valuesToInsert.put("f_field_f_ortsteil", m.get("f_ortsteil")); valuesToInsert.put("f_field_f_land", m.get("f_land")); insertReq.setValues(valuesToInsert); insertReq.execute(); } DSRequest editAddressesReq = new DSRequest( "tmpAddressAenderungen", DataSource.OP_FETCH, rpcManager); editAddressesReq.setOperationId("doUpdateAddresses"); editAddressesReq.execute(); return new DSResponse();
This is the table getting blocked!!!!
In my "doUpdateAddresses", for testing, I only read all records one by one:
declare @c_f_field_f_id as integer, @c_f_field_f_strasse as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_zusatz as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_plz as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_ort as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_ortsteil as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_land as varchar(2); declare c_cursor cursor for select f_field_f_id, f_field_f_strasse, f_field_f_zusatz, f_field_f_plz, f_field_f_ort, f_field_f_ortsteil, f_field_f_land from t_tmp_address_aenderungen where f_type = 'UPDATE' and f_mandant = @mandantId and f_user_id = @userId; open c_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM c_cursor INTO @c_f_field_f_id, @c_f_field_f_strasse, @c_f_field_f_zusatz, @c_f_field_f_plz, @c_f_field_f_ort, @c_f_field_f_ortsteil, @c_f_field_f_land; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin update t_schueler set f_name = '123' where f_schueler_id = 1; FETCH NEXT FROM c_cursor INTO @c_f_field_f_id, @c_f_field_f_strasse, @c_f_field_f_zusatz, @c_f_field_f_plz, @c_f_field_f_ort, @c_f_field_f_ortsteil, @c_f_field_f_land; end close c_cursor; deallocate c_cursor;
As I said, the table is getting blocked. Here is the blocking report:
<blocked-process-report monitorLoop="86592"> <blocked-process> <process id="process3e8692ca8" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="KEY: 5:72057594064732160 (becef0eb17cd)" waittime="7212" ownerId="945557" transactionname="FETCH CURSOR" lasttranstarted="2015-03-06T20:44:56.683" XDES="0x3d6b6ba20" lockMode="S" schedulerid="1" kpid="884" status="suspended" spid="53" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2015-03-06T20:44:56.680" lastbatchcompleted="2015-03-06T20:44:51.693" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.693" clientapp="Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server" hostname="vmd6271" hostpid="0" loginname="test" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="945557" currentdb="5" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="673185824" clientoption2="128056"> <executionStack> <frame line="21" stmtstart="1800" stmtend="2152" sqlhandle="0x02000000e76ad902a5ee95e8bad6c48297e71a34087072a80000000000000000000000000000000000000000"/> </executionStack> <inputbuf> set nocount on; declare @mandantId as integer; declare @userId as integer; set @mandantId = 1; set @userId = 47; delete from t_tmp_map_local_remote_address where f_user_id = @userId and f_mandant = @mandantId; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --updates declare @c_f_field_f_id as integer, @c_f_field_f_strasse as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_zusatz as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_plz as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_ort as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_ortsteil as varchar(250), @c_f_field_f_land as varchar(2); declare c_cursor cursor for select f_field_f_id, f_field_f_strasse, f_field_f_zusatz, f_field_f_plz, f_field_f_ort, f_field_f_ortsteil, f_field_f_land from t_tmp_address_aenderungen where f_type = 'UPDATE' and f_mandant = @mandantId and f_user_id = @userId; open c_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM c_cursor INTO @c_f_field_f_id, @c_f_field_f_strasse, @c_f_field_f_zusatz, @c_f_field_f_plz, @c_f_field_ </inputbuf> </process> </blocked-process> <blocking-process> <process status="sleeping" spid="54" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="1" lastbatchstarted="2015-03-06T20:44:56.677" lastbatchcompleted="2015-03-06T20:44:56.677" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.677" clientapp="Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server" hostname="vmd6271" hostpid="0" loginname="test" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="945552" currentdb="5" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058"> <executionStack/> <inputbuf> SELECT t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_id, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_mandant, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_type, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_id, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_strasse, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_zusatz, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_plz, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_ort, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_ortsteil, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_land, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_local_id, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_owner_id, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_adresse_id, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_owner, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_schueler_id, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_datum, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_old_address, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_new_address, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_field_f_typ, t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_user_id FROM t_tmp_address_aenderungen WHERE (((t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_id = 1004 AND t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_id IS NOT NULL)) AND (t_tmp_address_aenderungen.f_mandan </inputbuf> </process> </blocking-process> </blocked-process-report>
Of course, I could disable this fetch using canSyncCache=false, but since I have observed this blocking in several situations, I would like to correct this problem.
WHen digging into the blocked process, I see that the blocked statement is:
FETCH NEXT FROM c_cursor INTO @c_f_field_f_id, @c_f_field_f_strasse, @c_f_field_f_zusatz, @c_f_field_f_plz, @c_f_field_f_ort, @c_f_field_f_ortsteil, @c_f_field_f_land;
So is there a bug here? I have observed this problem since more than a year, but I never was able to reproduce it, until now.
Using smartGWT 5.0p power 2015-02-27 with MSSQL Server 2014.