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    Displaying nested form item

    I have an expanding row ListGrid with nested items that are DynamicForms, as shown in the SmartClient showcase.

    The main difference with the showcase is that I explicitly construct the form instead of letting the nested DS generate its layout for me. Ex.:

            final DynamicForm docRepoForm = new TransactionBasicForm();
            docRepoForm.setGroupTitle("Document Repository");
            TextItem repoUuid = new TextItem("repouuid");
            repoUuid.setTitle("Repository Unique ID");
    When I need to override the getExpansionComponent() function of the ListGrid in order to set the nested forms, I do not know which function I should use to display the nested form that matches the current record.

                protected Canvas getExpansionComponent(final ListGridRecord record) {
                    // create the nested widget (this is a layout of forms)
                    final SiteWidget siteWidget = new SiteWidget();
                    //HERE: how to fetch data related to the current record?
                    return siteWidget;

    In other words, I am looking for the equivalent for a form of the fetchRelatedData() for a ListGrid. What should I use?

    Thank you.

    Using SmartGWT LGPL 5.0 in IE.

    Hi darkane,

    did you see that the signature of the overridden method is:
    Originally posted by darkane View Post
                protected Canvas getExpansionComponent([U][B]final ListGridRecord record[/B][/U])
    So you have the current ListGridRecord available.

    Best regards,


      Thanks for the suggestion. We're passing it on to the design team for comment.????


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      Last edited by Abnahi3; 30 Mar 2015, 21:36.


        Thank you for taking the time to answer.

        What I understand from the two previous answers is that there is no equivalent to the function ListGrid.fetchRelatedData() for a form, and that I should use the current Record to compare and find the related form data.


          You will have to wait for Isomorphic to answer this. But please note that "Abnahi3" is most likely a spam bot.


            I have since then implemented a function that uses the current ListGridRecord to find the related data in the form.

            I would still like to know what the best practice is on this and whether I was overlooking an existing function. If the SmartClient team can advise at some point, that would be great.

