Hello Isomorphic,

when it comes to user error report you know from the forums that these can be very short :)

In my case I'm getting a report about an error message shown on the screen. It is generated on the server (v9.1p_2015-02-17) with
return new DSResponse().setDataSource(dsRequest.getDataSource()).setFailure("someErrorMessage");
So the user comes to me, telling "It displays 'someErrorMessage'". Now I looked for the message in the logs (default log4j debugging logging), but couldn't find the string.
I then looked for rolled-back transactions and think that I have found the message-causing DMI.

Improvement suggestion:
INFO-Log the message on the server if a DSResponse is DSResponse.STATUS_FAILURE or DSResponse.STATUS_VALIDATION_ERROR.

As of now, you are pretty-printing the requests in the server logs very nicely, the same for responses (at least the faulty ones) would be great.
So far, this is only happening for validation errors:
=== 2015-03-11 14:25:11,852 [c-28] INFO  Validation - [builtinApplication.abc_validate] Validation error: [
My log4j excerpt:
	<category name="com.isomorphic">
		<priority value="DEBUG" />
		<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
		<appender-ref ref="FILE_LOG" />
		<appender-ref ref="SmartClientLog" />
	<category name="com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest">
		<priority value="INFO" />
	<category name="com.isomorphic.validation.Validation">
		<priority value="INFO" />
Is this already possible or really an enhancement?

Thank you & Best regards,