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    OperationBinding.setDefaultParams does not seem to work

    I am trying to pass some additional parameters on the rest requests that are being send to the server (sessionId is one of them). After reading through the javadoc I think there are two ways in order to achieve this. The simplest is setting a Map with parameters (I pressume this should be Map<String, String>) on the OperationBinding. But this does not seem to have any affect? And would I be able to update this after creation (at runtime) for instance when session is invalidated (eg user logged out)?

    The second possibility would be by overridding the transformRequest method and add the parameter on each request. Is there any simple example on this for SmartGWT?

    By the way I am using DSProtocol.POSTMESSAGE on the OperationBinding.

    I can confirm as well that setDefaultParams does not work, and I have created the issue #45 (

