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    Additional tab in Calendar


    In the Calendar Widget, there are 3 tabs (day, week month) by default. I would like to know if it's possible to add an additional tab with by own view ? I tried to just add a tab in the MainView but the content pane seems to be overriden by the Calendar. I checked the API but did not find any way to achieve this... Any idea?

    Many thanks,

    The TabSet is a documented AutoChild of the Calendar (TabSet.mainView), so, you could add a tab if you wait for the Calendar to draw.

    This is a relatively risk AutoChild customization scenario since the Calendar has a lot of code to manage it's current set of tabs. It definitely will not work for mobile, where a TabSet per se is not used. So you might consider other approaches, such as external buttons that take you to your other screen, or sponsoring a TabSet feature to allow it to manage additional tabs.

