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    Drag and Drop onto a cell of a cube grid

    I am trying to create a two dimension matrix editor. That is I want to show a table with n rows and m columns, where each cell is individually addressable.

    I have been using a CubeGrid successfully for this, and have used setEditorCustomizer to allow for individual cells to be edited.

    I haven't been able to drag and drop onto an individual cell.

    Is this functionality supported? I haven't been able to find any example showing this behavior.

    Thanks for the help.


    The CubeGrid may not be the right starting component for this - only use the CubeGrid if your data is cube-like as described in the CubeGrid class overview.

    If you are just trying to work with individual cells, ListGrid with canSelectCells is probably a better choice, because the cube has a lot of built-in behaviors that assume a cube data model and could conflict with the logic you want to add.

    As far as handling drag and drop, if you enable it (canAcceptDroppedRecords) you should see the various drop events as normal, and you can cancel() the default behaviors and do whatever you want instead.

