Hi Isomorphic,
I'd like to ask - is it allowed/supported to change the CheckboxItem property "allowEmptyValue" when the item is already created?
I would like to have the checkbox, which can change it's behavior from 3 state to "native" 2 state on the fly.
Like in the following simple example, it seems the tested checkbox changes it's style, when the "allowEmptyValue = false" is set. But still has the 3 states...
Any hint is appreciated.
SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2015-04-09/LGPL Development Only (built 2015-04-09)
I'd like to ask - is it allowed/supported to change the CheckboxItem property "allowEmptyValue" when the item is already created?
I would like to have the checkbox, which can change it's behavior from 3 state to "native" 2 state on the fly.
Like in the following simple example, it seems the tested checkbox changes it's style, when the "allowEmptyValue = false" is set. But still has the 3 states...
isc.DynamicForm.create({ width: 300, fields: [ {name: "testSwitcher", type: "checkbox", value: true, title: "Allow empty value for 'TestCheckbox'", changed: "form.getField('testCheckbox').allowEmptyValue = value" }, {name: "testCheckbox", type: "checkbox", allowEmptyValue: true, redrawOnChange: true, title: "TestCheckbox", changed: "this.title = 'TestCheckbox ['+value+']'" } ] });
SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2015-04-09/LGPL Development Only (built 2015-04-09)