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    Use FormulaBuilder to ctreate custom dialog for group formula editing

    We want to use formulabuilder for certain use-case:

    User clicks on custom menuitem in list-grid header and calls dialog in which he can setup grouping and apply formulas for selected columns/ The columns list may include not only numeric columns but also DATE, TIME and DATETIME.

    How we can acheive such functionality?

    We are using smartGWT 4.1p LGPL

    If you are looking for someone to build this for you just for your product, we offer a Consulting service.

    If you think this makes sense as a new framework feature, consider Feature Sponsorship.

    In both cases, if you are interested in getting an estimate, make sure you provide a lot more detail when you ask for the estimate.


      Thank you for the answer. I just wanted to undestand does framework has such ability at all out-of-the-box.

      Anyways thank you for your time.

