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    Originally posted by chetan.phanse
    Yeah it would be great if we had a setID with each selenium widget.

    Do we have a way to trap buttonItem. Precisely I want to click a buttonITem widget.
    I wasnt also able to get a handle to the form element even after setting the ID tag.

    Any help would eb really appreciated
    For testing, I am finding that XPath is our friend.
    - Form elements can be found by 'name' (not 'id')
    ex: //input[@name='username']

    - Buttons, Section Headers, etc by 'text'
    ex: //td[text()='Login']

    Good Luck!


      ttubs updates

      Hi ttubs,
      seems like you had the most success on getting anywhere close to click smartgwt elements. Can you share some of the stuff you did to help others?


        I think I've shared all I know. Here's the rundown.
        - My motivation was to test SmartClient apps via FitNesse
        - I gave up on this combo of tools: FitNesse, WebTest, Selenium RC, SmartClient
        - Have had some progress with this combo of tools: FitNesse, FitLibrary, FitLibraryWeb (SpiderFixture), WebDriver
        - XPath seems to work well to get at the elemnts
        -- Inputs by name: //input[@name='username']
        -- Button by Title: //td[text()='Login']
        -- Error msg by text: //*[text()='Invalid user name or password entered.']
        -- Close Button on isc widget: //div[@eventproxy='responseWindow_closeButton']/img

        - Another guy had much more success using WebDriver in JUnit. He had much more options available to him though, as he's writing Java code. For example, he can get all TDs in the DOM and loop through them looking for the one he wants. I believe he then had a way to make an actual SmartClient call on that element, basically the isc javascript library was available to him at that point. (I think, could be wrong on that). But, with FitNesse the goal is to get something a Business person could use, so writing Java and/or JavaScript is out for me. Anyway, I could look at his code, but I do know he was able to click both buttons and cells in a ListGrids.

        Where I left off, I was having timing issues. After a window is created and closed, SmartClient doesn't get rid of it, but rather hides it in the DOM. Currently with WebDriver, existence checks will return true even when the element is hidden, and this is breaking my checks/tests. WebDriver is suppose to have a new release soon that will ignore hidden elements. I've been waiting for that. (It may be there now, I've not been working on testing of late.)

        Provided I can get past the timing issues, I can drive through the logon screen (i.e. a simple Dynamic Form) to a second screen. My second screen is a ListGrid, and I'd like to click a row and show a details form. So far I've not found a way to get a click on the cell to actually trigger anything. I have not verified, but think this has to do with the layering of elements SmartClient does in the DOM. When in FitNesse I ask for the element that contains "John Doe", I get back a TD element, and do a click on that. However, that TD does not have the click handler. When actually clicking with a mouse on the cell, things work as expected. It's as if there is an underling element (a parent to the TD of some sort) that handles the click in that case. The AutoTest.js file ISC has mentioned I believe is suppose to help target that controlling element, but I have no idea how to make use of AutoTest.js in FitNesse. It seems as if calling/sending a click directly to a TD does not bubble like clicking the mouse in the browser, but I have not had time to explore if there are ways to do this. I may not even be thinking correctly at this point. This is all sort of a new thing for me.

        Hope that helps. If you have specific questions, I'm happy to share what, if anything, I might know about it.



          Isomorphic any pointers?

          Thanks ttubs!!

          Can isomorphic guys help with this? (Yup we know SOASTA does it), but enterprises cannot dump their existing frameworks for SOASTA.

          How can AutoTest be used with existing automated testing tools, if it can?


            Selenium support is underway, targeting Q2. However, what's planned is core Selenium support - to ensure your particular choice of tools is supported, get involved via sponsorship. Sponsors also get the earliest available previews.



              That is music to our ears.

              I hope selenium support is added because then it will complete the stack and truly make SmartGWT enterprise worthy. Lack of automated testing takes away the zing from a framework touted for enterprises.

              Will ping for specific needs.


                Little perspective please - SmartGWT supported automated testing from first release and has always been enterprise-worthy. You've been waiting for support for a free tool used by enterprises that decline to purchase the higher-end tools we recommend (and will continue to recommend even once we retrofit Selenium to support SmartGWT).



                  Is selenium tool work well with the GWT or smartgwt?

                  Thanks in advance


                    Automated testing tool support

                    What higher end automated test tools are supported?


                      Selenium support has been added to Smart GWT. The user guide and Selenium extensions can be found under the "selenium" subdirectory in the SmartGWT distribution zip file. This will appear in the next nightly build.



                        What about the JavaScript side?

                        For those of us using the JavaScript libraries (i.e. not GWT coders), what do we get?


                          Its available. See this thread.



                            Hi Mike,

                            are you running your WebDriver/Selenium-Tests on a window machine or on linux one?



                              Did anybody tried ensureDebugID method in Smart GWT successfully. I am not able to see the assigned id's for the elements.

                              Please let me know whether this is possible ?

                              Be sure your post includes:

                              1. the SmartGWT or SmartClient version and browser version(s) involved;

                              2. for a server-side problem, the complete logs generated during processing of the request;

                              3. for a client-side problem, the contents of the Developer Console (see FAQ for usage);

                              4. if there is a JavaScript error, the stack trace logged in the Developer Console (from Internet Explorer if possible); and

                              5. sample code.

                              Posts with incomplete information are much more likely to be ignored.


                                I think you shoud use the method setID on the canvas object you want get a reference.

