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    DataSourceField length attribute question for read-only DataSources

    Hello Isomorphic,

    I just had to change the database field length for a field I use in one table and very many views. I adjusted this for all the .ds.xml for the views as well. This is tedious and error prone manual work.

    My question: Is there a reason to have the length attribute for read-only DSFields? Is it used for display calculations as well (e.g. ListGridField-width)? Or can I just omit it for read-only (from a SmartGWT point of view) fields?
    Of course I looked in the docs before and it seems the attribute is used for editing/storing to database, only.

    Thank you and Best regards
    Last edited by Blama; 6 May 2015, 02:57.

    The length attribute is optional whether the field is read-only or not.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      thanks for answering. Perhaps I was not clear:
      I know that length is an optional attribute. I wanted to know if it has any influence on readOnly-fields. The main usage affecting readWrite-fields is listed in the docs.

      Possible usage I could think of is display calculations for ListGridField-width.

      If it has no effect for readOnly data, I'd omit it for all .ds.xml targeting a database-VIEW.

      Best regards


        Yes, it influences some default size calculations. See for example the docs for listGrid.autoFitExpandField.


          Hi Isomorphic,

          ok, thank you. I'll keep and maintain the attribute then.

          Best regards


            Hi Isomorphic,

            as enhancement suggestion:
            When you use includeFrom="someDS.someField" in .ds.xml and the included field has a length attribute, you seem not to copy that information, currently.
            As it seems you copy/infer other information (like type), I suggest to copy the length information as well. This would save some RegExp search and copy&paste-maintaining for users that want to maintain this information and should benefit all other users silently.

            I did not create an extra thread as this seems to target the exact same are of the framework.

            Best regards


              Hi Isomorphic,

              while editing I noticed that the same is true for escapeHTML (but I do not know if you copy that already).

              Best regards


                Hi Isomorphic,

                sorry, please disregard the last two posts. I configured my ListGrid wrong.

                Best regards

