we have a smartgwt pro app with spring services as serverobjects for all datasources.
We started looking at upgrading our daos to use Spring Data, but we have run into issues with pagination:
DataSource loading works with the limit and offset parameters to load data as we all know. However, Spring data uses something called a "Pageable" abstraction:
The problem here, of course, is that if i wanted to convert the offset and limit to "pages" and "page sizes" there's no guarantee that the limit and offset values can be transferred evenly to an exact number of "pages"...
Is there a way around this? Can i configure the listgrid's dynamic loading somehow to guarantee that they always fetch 'even' pages, and therefor make it possible for me to create a pagerequest?
we have a smartgwt pro app with spring services as serverobjects for all datasources.
We started looking at upgrading our daos to use Spring Data, but we have run into issues with pagination:
DataSource loading works with the limit and offset parameters to load data as we all know. However, Spring data uses something called a "Pageable" abstraction:
PageRequest request = new PageRequest(pageNumber, PAGE_SIZE, Sort.Direction.DESC, "startTime");
Is there a way around this? Can i configure the listgrid's dynamic loading somehow to guarantee that they always fetch 'even' pages, and therefor make it possible for me to create a pagerequest?