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    Increase List Grid Size in Code Instead of Browser Zoom

    1. SmartClient_v100p_2015-05-13_LGPL
    2. IE 11


    I'm doing a web control development comparison between Isomorphic Smartclient list grid and the Telerik radgrid control. I like the features in the Smartclient grid, but I need it to be as big as the Telerik radgrid. I can make the Smartclient list grid the size I need through the browser when I zoom in to 145%, however it's too much of a hassle to have to coordinate such a configuration through the browser. How can I adjust the grid size through the JavaScript list grid control settings alone?



    The ListGrid has a lot of different properties that allow you to customize everything about it, from cell heights to fonts used, so you can achieve whatever you want.

    Just as an aside however, we're not sure why you'd want to make it "bigger". The fonts used are clear and legible on all screens, so going larger just means less information can be displayed.


      Personally, I like it, but my clients prefer something similar to the size of the Telerik radGrid. Is the overall sizing, similar to how it's done through browser zoom, something that can be done from a single grid property change, or do I actually have to go in, and modify every bit of the CSS skin files to get it to look the size I need?


        There is no single setting that emulates browser zoom (this could not be supported cross-browser), so you have to change a handful of CSS styles, yes.

        However, since we both seem to think this makes things worse and less functional, we'd recommend first double-checking with your clients that this is really what they want. They may, for instance, be thinking about how big it will be on mobile, without realizing that it's perfectly fine as is due to how viewports work.


          No, it's in a standard browser for use with a standard computer screen. The client's looking at the controls, comparing the two different grids side by side, and is asking whether it's possible to size it all the same as the bigger Telerik radGrid size style.
          Last edited by JoJeff; 15 May 2015, 16:16.


            Likewise, I'd love to have a way to say something like listGrid.setZoom ("150%") to do this in one shot.
            Isomorphic, I understand there are many methods to customize everything - but is there one that does it all?
            If not, can you give us a list of things to set?
            BTW, I am asking about this for the same reason JoJeff is...
            Thank you!

