Hi Isomorphic
could you tell me the best way to archive the following:
I have a 5.0p Simplicity-skin based application that uses larger than normal FormItems and a slightly larger google web font ("Dosis", 14pt).
I also have the items a bit higher:
and round the FormItem subclasses corners:
This is working fine for me.
But when a ListGrid shows its FilterRow, the FormItems there are also rounded, which does not look good (see screenshot). How do I tell the framework to keep these non-rounded best?
This might relate to this current thread.
Thank you & Best regards
could you tell me the best way to archive the following:
I have a 5.0p Simplicity-skin based application that uses larger than normal FormItems and a slightly larger google web font ("Dosis", 14pt).
font-family: 'Dosis', 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;
private static void setTextItemDefaultApperance() { TextItem ti = new TextItem() { { setWidth("*"); setHeight(34); setCanSelectText(true); } }; TextItem.setDefaultProperties(ti); }
.staticTextItem, .staticTextItemDisabled, .staticTextItemError, .textItem, .textItemFocused, .textItemDisabled, .textItemDisabledHint, .textItemError, .textItemHint { border-radius: 5px; } .selectItemControlError, .selectItemControlFocused, .selectItemText, .selectItemTextError, .selectItemTextDisabled, .selectItemTextFocused, .selectItemTextHint, .selectItemTextDisabledHint, .comboBoxItem, .comboBoxItemFocused, .comboBoxItemError, .comboBoxItemDisabled, .comboBoxItemPendingText { border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; }
But when a ListGrid shows its FilterRow, the FormItems there are also rounded, which does not look good (see screenshot). How do I tell the framework to keep these non-rounded best?
This might relate to this current thread.
Thank you & Best regards