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    SortDirection for SortNormalizer

    Hi again!

    First I want to describe you want I want to achieve in order to better understand my need.
    I have a ListGrid with let's say 5 records and at the end of these 5 records i want to have 20 empty lines(records). No problem with this because I already managed it. These 20 empty lines become a problem when I want to sort a column and I want to always keep them below that 5 records. After browsing the forum and the documentation I found out that I can use a SortNormalizer.

    Good news until I wanted to find out in which direction the grid(column) WILL BE SORTED in order to return the corresponding value from the normalize() function. In the normalize() function if I ask the column to give me the sorting direction it will give me the current one and not the one that is going to be sorted so I am always one step behind.
    For example let's say that column B has a SortNormalizer, it is sorted ASCENDING and the user clicks the header to sort the column DESCENDING. The normalize function of the SortNormalizer is called and if I want to always keep those 20 records at the bottom I have to return for them the lowest possible value. The real problem is that if I ask the column to give me its sorting order it will give me ASCENDING(previous order) and not DESCENDING(current order).

    One quick solution is to add a new parameter to the normalize function and to become
    normalize(ListGridRecord record, String fieldName, SortDirection direction)

    Hope you understood my problem and waiting for your always prompt response.
    Best regards,