I am attempting to learn how to use the add, remove, update features of datasources. Below is the code I am using and I am getting an error. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
My DataSource XML:
My test code to add the row:
The exception is not very descriptive.
"(TypeError) _gwt$exception: <skipped>: Cannot read property 'getOrCreateJsObj' of null"
I understand it is saying there is a null point somewhere, but I do not see what I have done wrong.
My DataSource XML:
<DataSource serverType="sql" autoDeriveSchema="true" dbName="CSODatabaseLOCAL" ID="UserViews" schema="csorepository" tableName="user_views"> <fields> <field name="viewId" nativeName="view_id" type="int" primaryKey="true"/> <field name="userId" nativeName="user_id" type="int"/> <field name="cityId" nativeName="city_id" type="int"/> <field name="viewName" nativeName="view_name" type="text" length="64"/> <field name="viewSensors" nativeName="view_sensors" type="text" length="255"/> <field name="viewStartDate" nativeName="view_start_date" type="datetime"/> <field name="viewEndDate" nativeName="view_end_date" type="datetime"/> <field name="isDefault" nativeName="is_default" type="bool" length="32"/> </fields> <operationBinding operationType="update" requires="false" /> <operationBinding operationType="add" requires="" /> <operationBinding operationType="remove" operationId="removeUserView" > <whereClause>view_id = $criteria.viewId</whereClause> </operationBinding> <operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="fetchUserViews"> <whereClause>user_id = $criteria.userId AND city_id = $criteria.cityId</whereClause> </operationBinding> </DataSource>
final DataSource userViewDs = DataSource.get("UserViews"); try { Record r = new Record(); r.setAttribute("userId", 111); r.setAttribute("cityId", 222); r.setAttribute("viewName", "My first view"); r.setAttribute("viewSensors", "sens1,sens2"); r.setAttribute("isDefault", false); userViewDs.addData(r); } catch (Exception ex) { com.google.gwt.user.client.Window.alert(ex.getMessage()); }
"(TypeError) _gwt$exception: <skipped>: Cannot read property 'getOrCreateJsObj' of null"
I understand it is saying there is a null point somewhere, but I do not see what I have done wrong.