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    Thanks for your patience - this issue has now been resolved. The July 13 builds now contain the RealtimeMessagingModule


      I grabbed the 7/13 nightly.

      I also don't get the mismatch version warning on either the server log, nor the client developer console.

      Howerver, I still get the following exception when using Messaging:

      14:56:11.126:MUP5:WARN:Log:Client Exception: (class Exception caught: (TypeError) : _4 is undefined
      caused by class
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_gwt_lang_Exceptions_wrap__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2 - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_web_bindery_event_shared_SimpleEventBus_$doFire__Lcom_google_web_bindery_event_shared_SimpleEventBus_2Lcom_google_web_bindery_event_shared_Event_2Ljava_lang_Object_2V - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_gwt_event_shared_HandlerManager_$fireEvent__Lcom_google_gwt_event_shared_HandlerManager_2Lcom_google_gwt_event_shared_GwtEvent_2V - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_Widget_$fireEvent__Lcom_google_gwt_user_client_ui_Widget_2Lcom_google_gwt_event_shared_GwtEvent_2V - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_Widget_fireEvent__Lcom_google_gwt_event_shared_GwtEvent_2V - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_smartgwt_client_widgets_Canvas_$setupClickEvent__Lcom_smartgwt_client_widgets_Canvas_2V/click_0< - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_Impl_apply__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2 - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_Impl_entry0__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_Object_2 - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.com_google_gwt_core_client_impl_Impl_entry__Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2Lcom_google_gwt_core_client_JavaScriptObject_2/< - Line: -1 - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.isc_StatefulCanvas_handleActivate - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.isc_StatefulCanvas_handleClick - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.isc_c_EventHandler_bubbleEvent - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.isc_c_EventHandler_handleClick - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.isc_c_EventHandler__handleMouseUp - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.isc_c_EventHandler_handleMouseUp - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.isc_c_EventHandler_dispatch - Line: -1
      https://localhost#Unknown.anonymous - Line: -1
      Unknown#Unknown.anonymous - Line: -1


        That's a crash inside core GWT code, not SmartGWT code. And it's in an area of the system that has nothing to do with Messaging, just basic event handling. Which is very strange.

        You might have some kind of caching / project corruption issue. We'd suggest manually clearing the GWT unitcache, clearing the browser cache and restarting it, restarting the IDE, and possibly re-installing GWT.

        You might also try running in SuperDevMode instead of Development Mode, to see whether the error is reported there - although that would mostly be a strong clue that something in your GWT install is corrupted.


          I get the same exception when running outside of my IDE, strictly command-line (gwt/browser/server cache deleted and built via maven).

          My original SmartGWT 5.0p version, prior to this thread is 03/29/2015, and this version still works.

          Could there be an issue with the Messaging nightly's post 03/29/2015?


            06/07/2015 nightly is also giving me the same Exception.


              05/03/2015 nightly works for me.


                05/31/2015 nightly is also giving me the same Exception.


                  When we install SGWT 5.0p Power Edition (07/14/2015) and the SGWT 5.0p Realtime Messaging Module (also 07/14/2015), we're able to run the associated Showcase samples without any issue or Developer Console warnings.

                  So we believe this must be some issue local to your installation. Did you install the module as described here: Under "Issue Reports" in the following topic, we discuss some options that may apply, such as creating a standalone test case for us:


                    I rebuilt the Showcase project using SGWT 5.0p Power Edition (07/14/2015) and the SGWT 5.0p Realtime Messaging Module (also 07/14/2015) to test the Simple Chat example and I get the same error.

                    Would it help to see the resulting war from my build environment to help diagnose the issue?


                      Based on the exception you posted and your working/non-working build data points, we have a strong suspicion that this may be the same issue as here:

                      Let's see whether tomorrow's builds address your issue.


                        Overriding sendJS to pass the missing requestProperties parameter works.

                        Will try again with tomorrow's build.

