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    overlapping layouts

    I would like to have one layout contained in a VStack to slightly overlay another contained in the same VStack.

    What is the API call to do this.

    I have tried moveTo and setTop. Neither of these have the desired effect for me.

    Once you put a canvas into a Layout as a member, the layout manages its position (and possibly its size - though not for a simple VStack) - that's why setTop / moveTo won't change the position.

    There are various properties which allow you to control how the layout positions its members, including
    - layoutMargin (+ per side layoutLeftMargin, etc)
    - membersMargin / memberOverlap [and also Canvas.extraSpace] for spacing between members
    - layout.align (controls alignment on the "length" axis)
    - defaultLayoutAlign / member.layoutAlign (controls alignment on the "breadth" axis)

    These are all documented here.

    For you, the memberOverlap attribute should give you what you want.

    Isomorphic Software

