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    Question: firing events on disabled Canvas

    Hi all,

    I have a question about the possibility to fire events (e.g. mouse, scroll...) on disabled Canvas.

    We are using SmartClient Version: v10.0p_2015-06-23/LGPL Development Only (built 2015-06-23).

    Our usecase is TabSet with Tabs. Each Tab contains quite complex content including other Tabsets, DynamicForms, ListGrids...
    In some cases, we must set the entire Tab to be disabled - calling setDisabled(true) on the content Canvas.
    This works perfect, but such a disabled Tab content ignores any mouse events.
    We'd like to allow user to do things like:
    - select and copy any text
    - scroll in the disabled listGrid
    This used to be possible in the very earlier versions of SGWT (3.1p).

    So my question is - is there any way how to achieve such behavior?

    Thanks for any response.

    The definition of "Disabled" is that a component does not receive or react to events.

    If you want something that is not disabled in this sense, don't tell the framework to disable it - just turn off the specific features that you want to be inactive.

    Note this disabled components have never received events in SmartGWT, even in the 1.0 release. If you seemed to be seeing this behavior, you may have either had a usage issue or have discovered a bug.

