Hi i just tried to add a context menu to TreeGrid but no success. Default browser menu shows up.
Menu menu = new Menu(); menu.setShowShadow(true); menu.setShadowDepth(10); MenuItem newItem = new MenuItem("New", "icons/16 menu.setItems(newItem); treeGrid.setContextMenu(menu);
Global Log Priorities updated: Logging messages at priority 'Info' and above for category 'EventHandler'. 18:17:31.708:MDN4:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mousedown': [TreeGridBody ID:isc_OID_0_body] 18:17:31.942:MUP9:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'mouseup': [TreeGridBody ID:isc_OID_0_body] 18:17:31.942:CXT0:INFO:EventHandler:Target Canvas for event 'contextmenu': [TreeGridBody ID:isc_OID_0_body]