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    Scroll in DynamicForm

    Hello, how should I add vertival scroll bars in a DynamicForm?
    Is it possible or should I add it inside an other Panel that has vertical Scrollbars?

    Thank you again


    You can setOverflow(AUTO) on either the form or any surrounding container to make them scroll if content exceeds their specified size.


      Thank you for your reply,
      I did this and it works.
      My problem now is that the DynamicForm is in a VLayout and I want to set
      so that to fill all the rest of the VLayout.
      (it should scroll it's content while it feels the VLayout)

      But setting DynamicForm.setHeight("*"); the DynamicForm does not fill the rest of the area. I shrinks it's height to zero.
      I need to set a specific height if I want to see the content of the DynamicForm, but the VLayout changes it's height while I change the height of the browser and I need for the DynamicForm to follow the changes of the browser.

      Any ideas?
      Thank you again.


        A DynamicForm with height:"*" in a VLayout will fill the available space in the VLayout. Make sure that the VLayout itself has reasonable height/width settings. If you can't figure it out please show standalone code for the problem.


          You are right, I had a bug.

          Some other question...
          is there a method so that to set the size of a container acording to the sizes of it's contents?
          I thing this would be very helpfull.

          Thank you.
          Last edited by drakator; 7 Feb 2009, 04:15.

