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    List Grid - disable client filtering

    Is it possible to completely disable client-side filtering in SmartGWT?
    As I could read this is possible in SmartClient by setting useClientFiltering in result set, but as ResultSet API is not exposed in SmartGWT I am struggling to find the way how to do it in SmartGWT.

    The reason we want to disable client filtering is because we want to support wildcards and exact search in filter editor and currently I cannot see if it is doable in SmartGWT.

    It is possible to do so in smartclient according to this thread.

    Now, I greped the smartgwt code and didn't see any "setClientFiltering", so I guess you'll have to use JSNI to access the ListGrid's ResultSet object and add this property to it (or use the utility classeslike JSOHelper to do this without GWT?).



    PS: Here is the SmartClient documentation page talking about "setClientFiltering" :
    Last edited by TylerGalt; 9 Apr 2009, 23:50.


      You can turn it off system wide like so:

      isc.ResultSet.addProperties({ useClientFiltering:false })
      However note in the SmartClient docs that there are overrides that would allow you to customize how filtering is done (resultSet.applyFilter(), dataSource.applyFilter()). We don't have SmartGWT APIs for this yet but they'll be added - in the meantime some JSNI code would allow you to define custom filter behavior.

