So I've run into some troubles recently trying to create a custom grid widget. I want the ability to create an unknown amount of Rows (HLayouts). Each Row will have a fixed number of Labels. However, I get a stack overflow when I try to add too many rows. I've been able to reproduce this in a simple app. First I will show code that works:
Now, if I need to increase the rows to say 50, I get a stack overflow on line 2698
I think I'm setting this up correctly, but maybe I'm missing something? Should I increase the memory (current set at -Xmx600M)? I'm not sure what the work around would be, an html table maybe? Thanks.
private class RowDisplay extends VLayout { public RowDisplay() { RowDisplay.this.setWidth100(); RowDisplay.this.setHeight(20); HLayout grid = new HLayout(); grid.setMembersMargin(1); for (int i=0; i<31; i++) { Label slot = new Label("Test " + Integer.toString(i+1)); grid.addMember(slot); } addMember(grid); } } public void onModuleLoad() { // create a grid of Labels VLayout rows = new VLayout(); rows.setMembersMargin(1); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { rows.addMember(new RowDisplay()); } // add a VLayout Layer VLayout layer_1 = new VLayout(); layer_1.setWidth100(); layer_1.setHeight100(); // add the row layer_1.addMember(rows); layer_1.draw(); }
for (int i=0; i<50; i++) { rows.addMember(new RowDisplay()); }