I have a master form bound to a data source that can fetch, create, update, delete datas, and other dependant forms bound to their data sources too.
My question is about creation, which is called from masterForm.saveData(): server-side, a key is generated after the creation, and so far I return an XML structure like this:
<result code="1"><key>186</key></result>
My intention is to get the generated key and call the saveData() method of the dependant forms after setting the key.
I try to read the generated key with a DSCallback() but unfortunately, the response is a DSResponse and although it is mentionned here http://forums.smartclient.com/showth...=generated+key that we can get the generated ID, I don't know how to with SmartGWT: the only method available is response.getData() that return a ListGridRecord[] which is empty, and the other Object rawData is simply null.
So ,where is my ID and how to get it ?
Thanks for your help !
I have a master form bound to a data source that can fetch, create, update, delete datas, and other dependant forms bound to their data sources too.
My question is about creation, which is called from masterForm.saveData(): server-side, a key is generated after the creation, and so far I return an XML structure like this:
<result code="1"><key>186</key></result>
My intention is to get the generated key and call the saveData() method of the dependant forms after setting the key.
I try to read the generated key with a DSCallback() but unfortunately, the response is a DSResponse and although it is mentionned here http://forums.smartclient.com/showth...=generated+key that we can get the generated ID, I don't know how to with SmartGWT: the only method available is response.getData() that return a ListGridRecord[] which is empty, and the other Object rawData is simply null.
So ,where is my ID and how to get it ?
Thanks for your help !