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    ListGrid GroupBy/Sort/Visible/Freeze events


    I've been looking up in the docs and in the forum, I've made some tests, searched the javadoc, but still couldn't find this one:
    Is there a way to know when a grid is told to group by a field, and/or to sort by and/or show and/or freeze another one? I'm looking for the event thrown at those moments.

    What I would like to do is to save the grid state. Filters (AdvancedCriteria, no problem), groups, sorting, visible fields and frozen ones.

    The best would be to get each event to save the state on the fly. At worst, it would be when the user clics the "save" button, so then we could parse each field and get its visibility, frozen, group, sort states. Can we get those values? I found getFrozen() and getSortDirection(), but not the group and visibility.

    Any idea how to do that?

    use getviewstate()

    getViewState() can be used to get the state of grid.
    State = hide/unhide state, sort- ascending & descending- state, width of columns

