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    SelectItem auto width

    Is it possible to force a SelectItem to take the width of the widest/longest item displayed?

    I couldn't change the width of the item display, either; for longer item names I already encountered display problems; so a way to change the width to accomodate long item names would be fine; autofit would be fine, too ...


      Further observations:
      - It does NOT seem possible to change the width of the SelectItem Display Field in unexpanded mode
      - Generally speaking the following holds:
      - All items are displayed correctly when the SelectItem List is expanded !
      - BUT: There's a showstopper bug in FireFox (3.6.18) in the following use case:
      - The SelectItem List contains only one item
      - The value of this item exceeds the length of the unexpanded display
      - A Scroll Bar is shown and one cannot see/choose the item


        You have external CSS creating the scrollbar problem, see FAQ.


          Carefull on not using none of GWT themes.

          With only the default SmartGWT theme (include in the SmartGWT module) I don't have any problem with select items containing just one value (on FF 4).


            I am using SmartClient EE, not SmartGWT; but I guess the skinning issues are the same ...

            My newest insight:
            - With the 'Simplicity' skin, the problem does NOT occur :-) !
            - Nice it would be if we SmartClient (EE)/SmartGWT users were shielded from cross-browser, cross-skin issues !
            - In my small test case I am NOT using any home-grown CSS (rules) ...


              Yes, you do have external CSS. Use Firebug to prove it to yourself. This symptom is 100% conclusive.


                My conclusion:
                - I should have a pure SmartClient JSP testbed without ColdFusion in exactly the same Tomcat env
                - So I have created such a testbed env

                - The symptom occurs in this testbed env, too
                - Using SmartClient in conjunction with FireBug is no good idea at all:
                - A plethora of info messages is put out ...
                - It runs really, really slow !
                - Of course there is a lot of CSS ! But it is neither created by me nor by ColdFusion; it seems to be created solely by SmartClient ... Or where else could it come from ?

