Hi, I'm using Records as underlying data of a DataSource. This is being used in a ListGrid. (I want to use the same DataSource for any component, not just restrict it to a ListGrid).
Somewhere in the event pump, this class is being called and this throws the exception at return (ListGridRecord) obj;
My obj really is a Record:
Shouldn't there be a constructor ListGridRecord(Record c) at that place?
(version: SmartGWT 1.1 release)
Somewhere in the event pump, this class is being called and this throws the exception at return (ListGridRecord) obj;
public class ListGridRecord extends Record { public static ListGridRecord getOrCreateRef(JavaScriptObject jsObj) { if(jsObj == null) return null; RefDataClass obj = RefDataClass.getRef(jsObj); if(obj != null) { obj.setJsObj(jsObj); return (ListGridRecord) obj; } else { return new ListGridRecord(jsObj); }
jsObj JavaScriptObject$ (id=4245) hostedModeReference JsValueIE6 (id=4251) variant Variant (id=4252) booleanData false byRefPtr 0 byteData 0 charData dispatchData IDispatch (id=4253) address 799049232 doubleData 0.0 floatData 0.0 intData 0 longData 0 shortData 0 stringData null type 9 unknownData null obj Record (id=4222) jsObj JavaScriptObject$ (id=4245) manager null
Shouldn't there be a constructor ListGridRecord(Record c) at that place?
(version: SmartGWT 1.1 release)