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    resize bar on hidden components


    I've got 4 ListGrids. If you click on a row in the 1st ListGrid, then the other 3 are filled. So initially I put the bottom 3 on hide().
    Not all 4 show the same amount of information, so I let the user decide their size and put on the first 3 a setShowResizeBar(true).

    On the initial screen (with the 3 hidden), this shows 1 grid and 3 resize bars, which is not pretty.

    I tried working around it by setting the setShowResizeBar(true) when the grids get unhidden, but that gives the error "cannot change property show resize bar after it has been created".

    Any tips on how to get a resize bar shown when the component gets unhidden?

    Rather than start the other grids hidden just don't add them to the layout until you need them.


      Thanks, but at some point, I hide two of them again, so I again would have the same problem with the resize bar being still there.

      But I guess I can test performance of adding/removing vs unhide/hide multiple times.

