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    Detail Grid with ListGrid and DynamicForm


    I have an object A (attributes Name, Description ...) that I list in the list grid and that I can edit in the dynamic form. But this object has a one-to-many relation with Object B. I want to be able to edit it in a detail list. I already saw the listGrid.openRecordDetailGrid function but that's not what I want. My grid is read only and i want to edit everything in the dynamic Form.

    So my question is how can I add a record detail grid in the dynamic form linked to the master object in the list grid ?

    I use smartgwt 1.2 with gwt 1.7 on windows xp.

    Best regards,


    See the Master-Detail Batch Load & Save sample in the SmartGwt Pro/EE showcase. To get the detail grid from this example to appear in a form, wrap it with a CanvasItem.


      Thanks for the example. That seems to be what I want !

      But i'm doing a little app for me at home and the licence for the pro version is expensive for me at the moment. I'll recommend it at my job because this is very great!

      I'll look for another way to do it with LPGL version.


        Same approach. That example is for Pro because it also demonstrates saving a nested entity to Hibernate without writing any server-side code, but if you've got your own server-side code you can save the nested structure through RestDataSource with additional work.

