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    SmartGwt 1.3 and IE6 causes "Page contains secure and nonsecure items"

    First thing I would like to say is "Thank You" for providing an excellent library for GWT. The richness of the controls and functionality far surpasses the basic GWT components.

    I recently upgraded from SmartGwt 1.2 to SmartGwt 1.3 and recompiled and deployed the application to our development environment. When I try to access the application (HTTPS) using IE6 (it is the standard here), I receive the message "This page contains secure and non-secure items, do you wish to continue ..." After clicking Yes or No, it causes IE6 to crash.

    When the same application is compiled and deployed to our dev environment with SmartGwt 1.2, I do not receive the message and everything runs fine. I am using GWT version 1.7.0.

    I am speculating, but I looked at the access_log for the web server and it appears the secure/non secure message appears when it tries to fetch empty.html but it receives a 404 error. Here is the entry from the access_log:
    GET /sra/servicerecovery/sc/system/helpers/empty.html HTTP/1.1" 404 84

    When I looked at the compiled output from SmartGwt 1.3, the sc/system/helpers directory is not included. When I look at the compiled output for SmartGwt 1.2, the sc/system/helpers is included.

    I am wondering if others have run into this issue at all. Thanks for your help.
    Last edited by tamiller84; 30 Sep 2009, 11:09.

    That is a bug and we'll put out a patch release for this. For now please inherit <inherits name=""/> which will result in the "helpers" directory being included.


      I didn't notice it before, so not sure if this is related to SmartGWT 1.3:

      my module uses:
      <inherits name="com.smartgwt.debug.SmartGwtDebug" />
      <inherits name=""/>
      my HTML page does not load SmartGWT js scripts itself.

      Hosted mode console says:
      404 - GET /sc/initsc.js
      404 - GET /sc/client/widgets/BatchUploader.js
      but they don't seem to be braking anything.

