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    Need help on building a wizard

    I am migrating our current project from GWT-Ext to SmartGwt, I encounter a problem of making the wizard (card layout) in GWT-Ext in SmartGwt. Since SmartGwt does not support the wizard directly, I have to make my own.

    I think a wizard is very much like the Tab in SmartGwt. Each step in wizard can be mapped to different tabs. But is there a way in SmartGwt to use Tab without displaying the tab bars so that it looks like a regular panel?

    If that cannot be done, then how do I switch from one panel to another panel in SmartGWT. I am sorry for the question since I am not very familiar with the SmartGWT widgets. Basically what I want to know is how do I change the display panel dynamically to simulate a wizard panel that going from one step to another. It will be great if you can provide some code example even it seems very straight forward to you since I am still learning the SmartGWT.

    Thanks for the help!

    Easy to do

    You can get the wizard feel easily by show and hide Layouts.

    For instance, when the user presses the 'next' button. You could 'show' the next panel (carry all references of your layouts in a hashmap with a keyname for every layout. This way you can lookup the appropriate layout and do a show on it).

    This is fairly painless to right. Try it out.

