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    Non-valid generated XML/HTML files


    I'm wondering about a couple of files within the "sc" folder (which is created during compliation), there are apparently errors in them.

    The first one is sc/system/helpers/printFrame.html, there are 3 opening <script> tags, but 4 closing </script> tags.

    Another issue are the files within sc/schema, all named *.ds.xml, e.g. DataSource.ds.xml. They are all supposed to be XML files, but everyone of them actually contains JSON data exclusively.

    Is there any chance to see these issues addressed? My IDE is not too happy with invalid files and I don't like to deactivate XML/HTML validation alltogether because of this.

    Your "printFrame" file is very very old and the .ds.xml files haven't ever shipped with JSON in them.


      Originally posted by Isomorphic
      Your "printFrame" file is very very old and the .ds.xml files haven't ever shipped with JSON in them.
      Hm. In that case, I'm wondering why I get these files.

      The "sc" folder is generated during GWT compilation. I'm using SmartGWT 1.3 and my GWT module inherits are:
      <inherits name="" />
      <inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwt" />
      I've just completely removed all generated resources and compiled again - the same files reappear (.ds.xml still with JSON data too).

      Any ideas why this happens?

