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    How to user SmartGWT EE with SmartClient server

    I've written a small test app using SmartGWT ee 1.2.1 which uses a server side data source that I have successfully used with SmartClient. I'm getting a javascript message from SmartGWT that says "attempt to use DataSource of type iscServer without SmartClient server option". I'm running the SmartClient server that I downloaded originally on localhost:8080 and suspect that I need to tell SmartGWT how to locate that server but don't know how.

    You've somehow mixed together LGPL client-side resources with your EE project.


      I've been struggling with the basic setup of SmartGWT for a few days now with no success. Can you please post a complete step by step setup guide showing how to configure a new GWT project in Eclipse to use SmartGWT EE, including the SmartClient server piece? I was careful to pull all of the required jars, etc. out of the smartgwt ee download but apparently I've got some "resources" from the original smartgwt PRO download (never did download the LGPL version). But what resources? Where should I get them from and where should I put them? Do I need to start the server as a separate process or does my Eclipse project include everything needed on the server side. A basic setup guide is sorely needed as you can tell from all of the setup issues/questions on this board. I'm trying to evaluate SmartGWT versus using SmartClient PRO and so far I very much like what I see if I could only get it to run!


        If you downloaded the EE version from

        it has a couple of samples that have the eclipse project file along with it. Would be best to start with that


          Mike is right. SmartGWT EE as well as SmartGWT Pro / Power have Eclipse project files for all the samples and several of them serve as good starter projects.So I'd suggest you first read the Gettting Started doc followed by trying to run one of more samples. Each sample ships with a README.txt file with detailed instructions on how to setup and run the project (essentially a matter of opening the shipped eclipse project files and adding a run configuration). There is also an ant build file with each sample to compile as war and also to launch the sample in hosted mode.

          Based on the brief description of the issue, it appears you are inheriting the SmartGwt module when you should be inheriting SmartGwtEE or SmartGwtPro.

          We have really tried to make things as simple for end users to get started with SmartGWT EE. If after you follow the above instructions you still have issues, please provide feedback with details on how we can improve things.



            Thanks for the tip! I've got one of the samples working with my data source now.

