As the latest trends show, testing GWT applications without GWTTestCase is much faster. More important is ability to use great Java mocking libraries, e.g. EasyMock and MockitoNow. If SmartGWT is in use, testing without GWTTestCase is not possible, due to the fact that JSNI method are invoked from constructors on many places.
How big would be the effort to ensure having default constructors on at least data classes (ListGridRecord, Record...) that do not call JSNI methods? Provided widgets are less problematic, thanks to the good design - they implement always a set of interfaces that could be mocked up, but these interfaces expect or deliver instances of dataclasses that cannot be currently mocked up.
As the latest trends show, testing GWT applications without GWTTestCase is much faster. More important is ability to use great Java mocking libraries, e.g. EasyMock and MockitoNow. If SmartGWT is in use, testing without GWTTestCase is not possible, due to the fact that JSNI method are invoked from constructors on many places.
How big would be the effort to ensure having default constructors on at least data classes (ListGridRecord, Record...) that do not call JSNI methods? Provided widgets are less problematic, thanks to the good design - they implement always a set of interfaces that could be mocked up, but these interfaces expect or deliver instances of dataclasses that cannot be currently mocked up.