I'm populating a simple TreeGrid with the following data, which looks correct to me (via the dev console) but the TreeGrid shows it as just a list of end nodes with no hierarchical structure, and instead of showing the Name field it is showing the ID field (screen shot attached). I can't see what anything wrong with the data. The field names match the DataSource and I'm only using setDataSource on the TreeGrid, not listing any specific fields. I have a second tree grid that is defined the same way and is using a second datasource with the same fields and structure. It appears correct. ?
[ { isDSResponse:true, invalidateCache:false, status:0, data:[ { NAME:"Apparel ", ID:101, PARENTID:0, TYPE:"DIV", CODE:1 }, { NAME:"Mens Apparel ", ID:1010, PARENTID:101, TYPE:"DPT", CODE:10 }, { NAME:"Mens Tops ", ID:10100, PARENTID:1010, TYPE:"SUB", CODE:100 }, { NAME:"Mens T Shirts ", ID:100100, PARENTID:10100, TYPE:"CLS", CODE:100 }, { NAME:"Mens Formal Shirts ", ID:100101, PARENTID:10100, TYPE:"CLS", CODE:101 }, { NAME:"Mens Formal Shirts & Tie ", ID:100102, PARENTID:10100, TYPE:"CLS", CODE:102 } ] } ]