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    How to make a custom formula builder

    Where can I find the source code for the Showcase's new Formula Builder??

    I want to make a custom formula builder with some of the components of the builder in the showcase - especially the formula-textItem and it's validator!!

    How come the one in the showcase is so specialized as to only be working with a listGrid and it's fields??

    Originally posted by chellegaard
    Where can I find the source code for the Showcase's new Formula Builder??

    I want to make a custom formula builder with some of the components of the builder in the showcase - especially the formula-textItem and it's validator!!

    How come the one in the showcase is so specialized as to only be working with a listGrid and it's fields??

    Still no word on a generic formula builder??

    Seems odd (at least to me) it's only available for manipulating list grids!!


      What do you mean new formula builder? The standard ListGrid.addFormulaField() has been around for awhile now. The code that generates the dialog box and all can be found in ListGrid.js.

