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    javascript in ds.xml

    I seem to remember seeing a way to embed javascript in the data source ds.xml files but can't seem to find it any longer. In my particular case, I have a field that I would like to set a ShowIfCondition on. But rather than do that in code I want to put the condition in the ds.xml file itself. I'm using a reusable component with the data source and don't want to have to put custom code in it to deal with this field. The ShowIfCondition is pretty simple. In SmartGWT code I would do something like
    FormItem fi = new FormItem();
    fi.setShowIfCondition(new FormItemIfFunction() {
      public boolean execute(FormItem item, Object value, DynamicForm form)   
        return IPGui.isFinanceSystemInstalled;
    Can I put the same sort of thing in the datasource.ds.xml file.

    You can put JavaScript expressions for showIf into the DataSource XML file, but not Java. It doesn't go through the GWT compiler.


      Thanks. But how? Can you provide an example of a ds.xml that has a simple showIf condition?


        <field name="discount" showIf="values.quantity > 4"/>
        Just to clarify, it's a bit of a hack to do this in SGWT, and you'd basically be referring to the SmartClient Reference for what's available to you in the showIf expression.


          Is there a better way to do it in SGWT? Since I'm using a generic UI component and just passing it a different datasource each time, I'm trying to avoid coding something specific for this one field.


            Subclass the UI components in question and make it aware of this field's special behavior.


              Originally posted by Isomorphic
              <field name="discount" showIf="values.quantity > 4"/>
              Just to clarify, it's a bit of a hack to do this in SGWT, and you'd basically be referring to the SmartClient Reference for what's available to you in the showIf expression.
              I am trying to do this (ie. selectively hide some fields in a form), but I get "(ReferenceError): values is not defined" when binding the same DataSource to a ListGrid.

              This (kind of) makes sense, since according to the SmartClient Reference, ListGrid.showIf does not have a 'values' parameter; only formItem.showIf has it.

              Is there a way apply a showIf condition that only applies for DynamicForms, but does not apply to ListGrids?

              Thank you for your help:



                Originally posted by csillag
                Is there a way apply a showIf condition that only applies for DynamicForms, but does not apply to ListGrids?
                For now, I just started using a new attribute "formShowIf", add when I find one of these on the client side (in my subclass of DynamicForm), I automatically apply it to the form items.

                So it works all right now.

